Garland (Dissidia 012)

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Name Garland (ガーランド)
Original game Final Fantasy
Base ATK (LV100) 111 (High)
Base DEF (LV100) 112 (High)
Run Speed 10.5 (Very Slow)
Dash Speed 81 (Below Average)
Fall Speed 77 (Above Average)
Fall Speed Ratio After Dodge 41 (Below Average)
Fastest BRV 13F (Deathblow, Highbringer high ver.)
Fastest HP 39F (Earthquake)
1-Hit HP Yes (Cyclone, Blaze)
HP Links Yes (Combos only)
Command Block No
Weapon Axes, Greatswords, Katanas, Spears
Armor Gauntlets, Heavy Armor, Helms,
Light Armor, Shields
Exclusive weapons Ogrekiller, Viking Axe, Gigant Axe
Alignment Chaos
Voice Actor (JP) Kenji Utsumi
Voice Actor (ENG) Christopher Sabat


Garland is a defensive close / mid-range character who is defined by good whiff punish ability, combo game, EX meter economy and crushingly good bravery damage output.

On the ground, Garland can take advantage of higher priorities, gap closers and mixups. With the character-defining Deathblow bravery, Garland can reliably generate assist meter on whiff, anti-air opponents and combo into Twist Drill for a considerable amount of damage and EX meter.

In the air, Garland can utilise attacks with well defined tracking through a variety of braveries. Twist Drill anti-airs and pokes through projectiles, Chain Cast covers his air dodges and enables dodge cancel combos and the infamous Bardiche crushes anyone caught below the mighty axe.

He boasts above average attack and defense stat, but his attributes are a bit lacking elsewhere. Movement speed is below average, air dodges are floaty, post-dodge defensive options are risky, he lacks independent HP links and air dodge punish attempts have considerable limitations. Not to mention, his braveries have well defined ranges that can hinder his approaches at times.

However, one aspect where Garland is a cut above the rest is in the usage of EX meter. Not only can Garland acquire a full EX meter efficiently through combos, his EX Burst is one of the more damaging bursts in the game. But what he is really infamous for, is his EX Revenge damage output. Being able to combo into a high damaging Bardiche five times is enough to secure a bravery break against any character at their base bravery. This creates a dangerous dynamic with Garland where he can end matches early with a full EX bar if the opponent is below half health. If the player was able to amass a couple bravery breaks before using EX Revenge, Garland can practically kill any character from full health.

Historically Garland has been considered a low tier character. However, his representation in competitive play in recent years present a case for a mid tier or even high tier position. Garland is not without faults, nor is he the easiest character to succeed with. He is decent at exploiting the opponent's flaws with proper positioning, but if he is forced to try and create a mistake, he can fall apart completely against opponents with proper knowledge, positioning and reactions. Garland's long-term gameplan is strong, but it always requires landing hits with resources to later back him up.

With consistent grounded defensive play, he can overpower many conventionally strong characters who have to engage with him first.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Whiff punishment
  • Bravery damage
  • EX meter economy - Generates meter efficiently through combos and can kill earlier with EX Revenge than any other character
  • Disjoints great at poking through projectiles and walls
  • Good ground-to-ground presence, except against area denial melee HPs
  • Bad movement
  • Post-dodge vulnerability
  • Limited aerial dodge punish capability
  • EX meter gameplan hurt by poor neutral HPs and assist punish vulnerability
  • Fast + long range vulnerability
  • Difficulties creating offensive momentum consistently
  • Bad at making the opponent whiff without forcing a dodge
  • Flawed aerial mixups, can struggle against block in the air
  • Bad against area denial melee HPs

Bravery Attacks


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
7, 8, 30 (45, Short) / 7, 8, 9, 2, 2, 2, 15 (45, Long) 23F Physical Melee Low, Melee Mid (2nd hit), Melee High (3rd hit, Long) 30 (Short) / 90 (Long)
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush (Short) / Chase (Long) 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Close] Broad sword sweep. Change combo with input timing.

Three sword swipes with a chase or a wall rush ender. Press circle before the third swipe for a wall rush ender or press circle after it for a chase ender. Garland's movement can be controlled freely during the first two swipes, but it does not make it particularly safe to use. While the start-up is somewhat fast, it takes well over a second to cancel it into a dodge. With Garland's limited post-dodge defensive options this is not an ideal situation to find yourself in. Confirming a combo with Deathblow into a Twist Drill is safer, inflicts more bravery damage and generates more EX meter on hit as well. Round Edge still has combo potential with assists though.

The first two hits' vertical range is quite bad. They do hit behind Garland, so it's possible to manuever in a way at medium ranges that lets you hit the opponent from behind if they reacted early with a block.

Round Edge might work occasionally as a surprise gimmick attack, especially if you fake out with movement during the first sword swipe. But the long animation and diminishing returns for disproportional risk compared to other ground moves make Round Edge difficult to justify for the third slot bravery.

The increased priorities apply to Round Edge when has not been cancelled into a wall rush ender. Since movement is halted by the third hit, it can be challenging to enforce it's high priority against moving opponents.


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
7, 8, 15 (30) 21F Physical Melee Low 30
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Mid] Swipe with twin blades. Approaches foe; limited height.

Garland's primary aerial bravery attack that advances forward. It's fast, but slow enough to be reactable, though the start-up is tricky to see. Given how Garland's other braveries are telegraphed by their effective range, Twin Swords can fall short in approaching the opponent.

Twin Swords' main strength lies in the move tracking in all directions. The range is average and the homing period is brief.

The animation is rather long, however. This means that it can be dangerous to whiff Twin Swords and the reliance on wall rushes for HP damage skews the risk/reward ratio against Garland. In small stages with low ceilings, this move can represent a threat more reliably when fighting air-to-air.

Not a staple in Garland's aerial kit, but not entirely without merit either.

HP Attacks


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
8, 2 x 5 (18) 39F Physical (axe) / Magical (rocks) Melee High (axe) / Unblockable (rocks) 36
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Close] Split ground with axe. Steals bravery, then takes HP.

A decent mix-up against grounded opponents trying to crack Garland's defense. Tracks well, strong knockback and cannot be staggered by LV2 Assist Change after the first hit without having assist meter locked. The HP-inflicting rock that spawns at the end has minor anti-air potential.

Earthquake is one of the many moves in Garland's arsenal where it can be used and not get cleanly punished for it, followed by a one of the worse disadvantage states in the game due to poor movement, risky defensive options and lack of safe follow ups on whiff. That's true for a lot of Garland's tools, but it's by far most evident on Earthquake.

Because the rocks act independently after activating, Earthquake can be used to punish fairly safe approaching Melee High priority attacks, such as Tifa's Rolling Blaze or Squall's Revolver Drive by clashing with them.

The active duration, tracking and dodge cancel window can make punishing this move on the ground difficult without mid range attacks or dodge punish tools. Earthquake is effective when used sparingly, but aerial attacks from above can still punish it. It is prone to trades, but they don't backfire on Garland as often as one might expect.


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 59F - Ranged High each (9)
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Shoot multiple fireballs that chase opponent.

Commonly used as an occasional long range harassment tool along with Cyclone. While this cannot inflict wall rush, each fireball can deplete meter on hit. A decent choice in that regard when used with Aerith assist, but it's threat is otherwise somewhat limited.

EX Mode: Class Change!


  • Regen
  • Critical Boost
  • Indomitable Resolve

Indomitable Resolve

[Active while attacking] Even while taking damage, attacks can be performed without flinching.

Rare instance of super armor in Dissidia 012. During an attack animation, Garland will not flinch from any attack that does not inflict HP damage. Can work in a pinch against characters with HP links (Cyclone, anyone?), but remember that EX mode does not alter Garland's attack properties.

EX Burst: Soul of Chaos

An attack terrible enough to shake the heavens. Repeatedly press circle to add strength to the attack.

Damage multiplier (initial) Damage multiplier (rest) Type
12, 12 (24) 4x3, 3x4, 16, 16, 5x4 (100 total) Physical



Combo Approximate damage (multipliers) Approximate EX Force Notes Video
Deathblow > move > jump > Twist Drill 45 (15, 30) 150 (60, 90) Staple combo. Move and jump as quickly as possible. The later Deathblow hits, the more time you have to combo into Twist Drill. Video
Round Edge 3rd hit (Long) > Deathblow > move > jump > Twist Drill 69 (7, 8, 9, 15, 30) 180 (30, 60, 90) Guaranteed Deathblow, but timing is tricky. Try to time it later than earlier to avoid inputting Round Edge's finisher. Video
Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 45 (15, 30) 180 (90, 90) Staple air combo, commonly used as a punish or an assist combo ender. 180 EX total. If opponent is far after Chain Cast, Twist Drill may not land all initial hits. Video
Chain Cast > DC > Twin Swords 45 (15, 30) 120 (90, 30) Garland must be nearly at same height with opponent after Chain Cast for this to work. Less EX generation, but can wall rush. Video
Chain Cast > DC > Bardiche 45 (15, 30) 90 (90, 0) Same as Twin Swords, but without additional EX gain. Harder to land than Twin Swords due to lack of forward tracking, but can be more practical if Chain Cast whiff punished something air-to-ground. Video
Thundaga (2 hits) > DC > Twin Swords 50 minimum + WR (10, 10, 30) 30 Near wall or corner to reduce Thundaga pushback. All Thundaga combos rely on this and are situational because of it. Video
Thundaga (3 hits) > Twist Drill 60 (10, 10, 10, 30) 90 Near wall or corner to reduce Thundaga pushback. Video
Thundaga (3 hits) > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 75 (10, 10, 10, 15, 30) 180 Near wall or corner to reduce Thundaga pushback. Video
Thundaga (3 hits) > Flare 45 + HP WR (10, 10, 10, 15) 30 Near wall or corner to reduce Thundaga pushback. Garland must be close enough to opponent for Flare to connect, which is not the range Thundaga is often used at. Video


Garland's combo structure is mostly universal across his viable assists.

These combos usually start with wall rush (Bardiche, Lance Charge or an HP), Chain Cast dodge cancel or Twist Drill.

After Assist Chase (AC), a few enders are common:

  • Twist Drill for more EX
  • Flare for HP (and wall rush)
  • Chain Cast dodge cancel into Twist Drill for EX and bravery damage (advanced, dependent on assist and often stage position)
  • WR = Wall Rush
  • DC = Dodge Cancel
  • AC = Assist Chase

Kuja braveries' vertical knockback allows more consistent Chain Cast > Twist Drill dodge cancel combos for a good total of extra 45 damage multipliers. This makes it the defacto ender for bravery damage and building EX meter, but it is often much more consistent when done near a wall, corner or ceiling. Many combos listed will default to this ender, but note that they are recommended for experienced players.

So for easier, consistent followups, Twist Drill and Flare work after both Kuja assist braveries.

Combo Approximate damage (multipliers) Approximate EX Force Notes Video
Lance Charge > WR > Kuja > DC > Bardiche > DC > Bardiche > DC > AC > Flare 152 + BRV & HP WR (30 + WR, 47 AST, 30 + WR, 30 + WR, 15 + HP WR) 45 (30, 0, 0, 15) Staple high power assist combo, with a staple HP ender instead of another dodge cancel combo. Video
Lance Charge > WR > Kuja > DC > Bardiche > DC > Bardiche > DC > AC > Twist Drill 167 (30 + WR, 47 AST, 30 + WR, 30 + WR, 30) 120 (30, 0, 0, 90) Basic Twist Drill ender. Video
Lance Charge > WR > Kuja > DC > Bardiche > DC > Bardiche > DC > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 182 + WR (30 + WR, 47 AST, 30 + WR, 30 + WR, 15, 30) 210 (30, 0, 0, 90, 90) Staple high power assist combo. Since Lance Charge
can stagger blocks, this combo can inflict critical hits frequently.
Second Bardiche during assist may not wall rush depending on when it hits.
Highbringer 1st hit (high) > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 100 (5, 50 AST, 15, 30) 198 (18, 90, 90) - Video
Highbringer 2nd hit (high) > WR > Kuja > DC > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 119 + WR (24 + WR, 50 AST, 15, 30) 210 (30, 90, 90) Wall. Video
Highbringer 1st hit (low) > DC > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 100 (5, 50 AST, 15, 30) 198 (18, 90, 90) - Video
Highbringer 2nd hit (low) > DC > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 119 (24, 50 AST, 15, 30) 270 (90, 90, 90) Wall. Video
Round Edge 3rd hit (Long) > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 119 (7, 8, 9, 50 AST, 15, 30) 210 (30, 90, 90) No wall rush. Video
Round Edge (Long) > Kuja > Empty Chase > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 140 (45, 50 AST, 15, 30) 270 (90, 90, 90) More EX. Works when knocked towards wall or corner. Video
Round Edge 3rd hit (Short) > WR > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 140 + WR (45 + WR, 50 AST, 15, 30) 210 (30, 90, 90) Wall rush while grounded. Video
Deathblow > move > jump > Twist Drill 1st > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 126 (15, 4x2, 8, 50 AST, 15, 30) 270 (60, 30, 90, 90) Easier, lower damage assist conversion
without dodge cancel or empty chase.
Deathblow > move > jump > Twist Drill 2nd > Empty Chase > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 140 (15, 30, 50 AST, 15, 30) 330 (60, 90, 90, 90) Both empty chase and the assist call afterwards must be performed as soon as possible. Tricky to time, but will absorb all EX Force on the field. Can use Auto Chase support ability to help with timing. Video
Deathblow > move > jump > Twist Drill 2nd > DC > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 140 (15, 30, 50 AST, 15, 30) 330 (60, 90, 90, 90) Dodge cancel version. Hold X and time the R button press late into the animation. Won't absorb all EX Force on the field, but safer if mistimed. Garland can still pursue and punish the opponent who tries to escape and lock Kuja. Video
Twin Swords > WR > Kuja > DC > Twist Drill 1st > DC > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 141~ + WR (30 + WR, 50 AST, 4x2, 8, 15, 30) 240 (30, 30, 90, 90) Wall. Video
Bardiche > WR > Kuja > DC > Bardiche > DC > Bardiche > DC > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 182 + WR (30 + WR, 47 AST, 30 + WR, 30 + WR, 15, 30) 180 (0, 0, 0, 90, 90) Garland's highest damaging, iconic
soul crushing assist combo.
Second Bardiche during assist may not
wall rush depending on when it hits.
If wall rushed from afar, Garland usually has
time for only one Bardiche instead of two.
Bardiche > WR > Kuja > DC > Bardiche > DC > Bardiche > DC > AC > Flare 152 + BRV & HP WR (30 + WR, 47 AST, 30 + WR, 30 + WR, 15) 30 (0, 0, 0, 30) HP conversion. Video
Twist Drill 1st hit > Kuja > AC > Twist Drill 96 (4x2, 8, 50 AST, 30) 120 (30, 90) A basic, reliable assist combo that works intuitively for players not used to dodge cancel combos. Chain Cast into Twist Drill is still possible, adds another 15 dmg multiplier and 90 EX if the player can manage it. Video
Chain Cast > DC > Kuja > AC > Flare 80 (+WR) (15, 50 AST, 15) 120 (90, 30) Early assist conversion. Video
Earthquake > WR > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 113 + WR (18 + WR, 50 AST, 15, 30) 216 (36, 90, 90) Grounded HP wall rush conversion. Nothing fancy,
but good reward when mixed up appropriately regardless.
Tsunami > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 107 (12, 50 AST, 15, 30) 276 (96, 90, 90) Another grounded HP conversion. Less damage than Earthquake,
but works better as a dodge punisher and still functional as a mixup.
Flare > WR > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 110 + HP WR (15+ HP WR, 50 AST, 15, 30) 210 (30, 90, 90) Basic. Video
Cyclone > Kuja > AC > Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill 91~95 + HP (50 AST, 15, 26~30) 240 (60, 90, 90) Good if the opponent fails to counterplay Cyclone. Video


HP 9644
CP 450
BRV 956 (1147 initial)
ATK 182
DEF 184
LUK 60
Max Booster x3.5
Special Effect: Seal of Lufenia
Assist Kuja
Weapon ddff-icon-equip-weapon.png Gigant Axe
Hand ddff-icon-equip-hand.png Lufenian Dirk
Head ddff-icon-equip-head.png Lufenian Hairpin
Body ddff-icon-equip-body.png Lufenian Vest
Accessory 1 accessory_basic.png Hyper Ring
Accessory 2 accessory_basic.png Muscle Belt
Accessory 3 accessory_basic.png Booster
Accessory 4 accessory_booster.png Large Gap in HP
Accessory 5 accessory_booster.png Summon Unused
Accessory 6 accessory_booster.png Pre-EX Mode
Accessory 7 accessory_booster.png Pre-EX Revenge
Accessory 8 accessory_special.png White Gem
Accessory 9 accessory_special.png Glutton
Accessory 10 accessory_special.png First to Victory
Summon ddff-icon-summonstone.png Rubicante
{{{dataBRV}}} {{{dataHP}}}
Bravery attacks
Ground Aerial
HP attacks
Ground Aerial

ddff-icon-equip%20ability.png indicates a "Gear" extra ability or the use of CP / Equipment glitch. The total CP cost will assume the glitch is done.

Use the CP Glitch with Thief's Gear and Bard's Gear.

Substitutes Basic: Booster for Battle Hammer (assist depletion) or Dismay Shock (EX depletion).

A strong, versatile build. High bravery damage output, enhanced EX absorption and an initial boost for meter and bravery help Garland reach a full EX bar and a subsequent OHKO faster. Use this build as your default.

Equip Master Guardsman for over 10,000 health.


Garland's assist data.

Type Attack Startup Position Spawn Damage multiplier Effects
BRV Round Edge 23F Ground Opponent 2 x 4, 6, 16 (30) Wall Rush
BRV Bardiche 23F Air Opponent 30 Wall Rush
HP Tsunami 45F Ground Opponent 2 x 6 (12) Chase
HP Cyclone 51F Air Opponent - Chase

Garland works with most meta assists, but only Kuja (and to a lesser extent, Sephiroth) provides the signature damage output, consistent combo opportunities and whiff punish capabilities. Other assists have diminishing returns.

The strongest known assist for Garland. Solid whiff punisher, consistent combo conversions and BRV damage. Even though the slow ground BRV assist makes it harder to react in time to max distance ground wall rushes off of Bardiche, the damage output that follows with 2x Bardiche more than makes up for it. Both BRV assists allow Garland to combo into Chain Cast > DC > Twist Drill almost anywhere for added EX meter and bravery.

Kuja also converts off of full Twist Drill consistently, with empty chase or dodge cancel alike. And if you need to play around LV2 Assist Change, Kuja's HP assists can come in handy with Bardiche > Flare Star or Chain Cast > Force Symphony.

It's about as straightforward as it gets - Kuja synergises with Garland in places where it's needed the most.



Wiki Roadmap (012 Garland)

Please edit this page's roadmap template when relevant additions and changes are made.

25,29 % done


Page Completed In progress To-do Score
General Add images for attacks (from PSP if possible). 1 / 5
Strengths and weaknesses Done. Elaborate on bravery damage, whiff punishment and bad movement. 3 / 5
Overview Done. Only edit if necessary. 4 / 5
Bravery Attacks Ability info and overviews added. Add images. 3 / 5
HP Attacks Ability info and overviews added. Add images. 3 / 5
EX Mode Basic info added. Add more detailed info if it exists. 1 / 5
Combos Solo combos, most Kuja assist combos. Add Kuja assist ceiling combo. Add Sephiroth, Tidus and Aerith assist combos and video examples of them. 2 / 5
Builds 2 example build. More niche builds. Add build overviews and substitutes as seen on Tifa's page. 2 / 5
Assist Assist data and recommended assists added. Add an overview for Tidus assist and the character when used as an assist. 3 / 5
Matchups Create the page, add matchup analysis and tips against every character. 0 / 5
Resources Create the page. Add links (articles, videos etc.) related to the character. Various resources that don't fit into other pages here. 0 / 5
Starter Guide Create the page. A concise PvP guide with core concepts and bare essentials explained concisely. Roughly 25 % of character's total page content. 0 / 5
Strategy Create the page and add basic offensive and defensive strategies. Use Jecht and Squall pages as examples. 0 / 5