Cloud of Darkness (Dissidia 012)

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Name Cloud of Darkness (暗闇の雲)
Original game Final Fantasy III
Base ATK (LV100) 109 (Low)
Base DEF (LV100) 111 (Average)
Run Speed 9 (Slow)
Dash Speed 85 (Slow)
Fall Speed 109 (Very Slow)
Fall Speed Ratio After Dodge 45 (Slowest)
Fastest BRV 13F (Tentacle starters)
Fastest HP 39F (Anti-Air P. Beam)
1-Hit HP Yes (Multiple)
HP Links Yes (Combos only)
Command Block Yes (Wrath P. Beam)
Weapon Poles, Rods, Staves, Thrown Weapons
Armor Bangles, Clothing, Hats, Hairpins, Robes
Exclusive weapons Calcite Staff, Bizarre Staff, Everdark
Alignment Chaos
Voice Actor (JP) Masako Ikeda
Voice Actor (ENG) Laura Bailey


Cloud of Darkness is a playable character in Dissidia 012.

Strengths Weaknesses

Bravery Attacks


All tentacle starters share the following properties. Each bravery attack follows through a three-part attack sequence that can be cancelled into a different followup depending how many times Cloud of Darkness attacked prior to the followup.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
7, 7, 7 (21) 13F / 33F / 53F Physical Melee Low each 9
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
-- (30)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

Version Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
Followup 1 8, 8, 14 (30) +4F Physical Melee Low 90 Chase --
Followup 2 12 x 4 (48) +4F Physical Melee Low 0 Wall Rush --
Followup 3 4 x 3 (12) +34F Magical Ranged Low 0 -- --
Omni-range tentacle attack. Change combo with input timing.

Version Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
Followup 1 28 +4F Physical Melee Low 0 Wall Rush --
Followup 2 3 x 8, 16 (40) +8F Physical Melee Mid 84 -- --
Followup 3 3 x 6 (18) +12F Magical Ranged Mid 0 -- --
Omni-range tentacle attack. Change combo with input timing.


Version Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
Followup 1 30 +2F Physical Melee Low 60 Chase --
Followup 2 3 x 10, 10 (40) +4F Physical Melee Low 90 -- --
Followup 3 each (8) +12F Magical Ranged Low 0 -- --
Omni-range tentacle attack. Change combo with input timing.

Version Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
Followup 1 10, 20 (30) +10F Physical Melee Low 30 Wall Rush --
Followup 2 28 +10F Physical Melee Low 0 Wall Rush --
Followup 3 each (3) +10F Magical Ranged Low 0 -- --
Omni-range tentacle attack. Change combo with input timing.

HP Attacks


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
1 x 9 (9) 39F Magical Ranged High 87
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Close] Fire columns of darkness around self. Short range, fast deployment.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 61F - Ranged High 0
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Fire wall of force straight ahead. Great vs. flank attacks.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 83F - Ranged High each 30
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Fire force bursts at foe. Slow start, homes for long time.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 61F - Ranged High 0
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush, Dodge 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Dodge] Hide, then fire beam cannon. Evades on start.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
1 x 9 (9) 1F~13F (Block), ~56F (missed block recovery), 45F (counter attack) Magical Block High / Ranged High 87
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Block 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Block] Create force shield. If block succeeds, attacks HP.


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 63F / 73F *1 - Ranged High each 60
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Close] Detonated force sphere. Charge to create multiple balls; can aim with the analog stick.

  • When charging, hitbox appears in 3 frames after button release.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
2 x 8 (16) 63F Magical Melee High 24
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Mid] Fire huge particle beam. Very accurate and powerful.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 83F - Ranged High 0
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Salvo of force bursts. Ends if they hit the ground.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
1 x 9 (9) 1F~13F (Block), ~56F (missed block recovery), 45F (counter attack) Magical Block High / Ranged High 87
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Block 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Block] Create force of shield. If block succeeds, attacks HP.

EX Mode: Flood of Darkness!


  • Regen
  • Critical Boost
  • Null Particle Beam

Null Particle Beam

[Always active while in EX Mode] The recovery time after all attacks can be cancelled by performing an HP attack.

EX Burst: Ultra Particle Beam

A particle beam that leaves only dust in its wake. Fill the gauge by ppressing circle. Release when it reaches 120%.

Damage multiplier (initial) Damage multiplier (rest) Type
2 x 4 (8) 7 x 14 (106 total) Magical





Builds here.

HP 11799
CP 495
BRV 957
ATK 179
DEF 182
LUK 61
Max Booster x1.3
Special Effect: Seal of Lufenia
Assist Jecht
Weapon Cleaver
Hand Lufenian Dirk (CP Glitch)
Head Lufenian Headband (CP Glitch)
Body Lufenian Vest (CP Glitch)
Accessory 1 accessory_basic.png Hyper Ring
Accessory 2 accessory_basic.png Battle Hammer
Accessory 3 accessory_booster.png Pre-EX Revenge
Accessory 4 accessory_special.png Green Gem
Accessory 5 accessory_special.png White Gem
Accessory 6 accessory_special.png Hero's Spirit
Accessory 7 accessory_special.png Hero's Essence
Accessory 8 accessory_special.png Tenacious Attacker
Accessory 9 accessory_special.png Glutton
Accessory 10 accessory_special.png Miracle Shoes
Summon None

Equip Master Guardsman extra ability. Stack up extra abilities that raise critical hit rate.

Max Booster
Special Effect:
Accessory 1
Accessory 2
Accessory 3
Accessory 4
Accessory 5
Accessory 6
Accessory 7
Accessory 8
Accessory 9
Accessory 10


Cloud of Darkness' assist data

Type Attack Startup Position Spawn Damage multiplier Effects
BRV Tentacle of Pain 37F Ground Opponent 7, 7, 12 x 4 (62) Wall Rush
BRV Tentacle of Suffering 37F Air Opponent 3 x 10, 10 (40) Chase
HP [Anti-air] Particle Beam 39F Ground Opponent 1 x 9 (9) Chase
HP [Fusillade] Particle Beam 83F Air Opponent - Wall Rush


Kuja, Jecht and Exdeath assists are good.



Wiki Roadmap (012 Cloud of Darkness)

Please edit this page's roadmap template when relevant additions and changes are made.

6,52 % done


Page Completed In progress To-do Score
General Add images for attacks. 1 / 5
Strengths and weaknesses Strengths and weaknesses. 0 / 5
Overview Overview. 0 / 5
Bravery Attacks Ability info added. Overviews. 1 / 5
HP Attacks Ability info added. Overviews. 1 / 5
EX Mode Basic info added. Overview / detailed info. 1 / 5
Combos Add solo and assist combos with video examples. 0 / 5
Builds 1 example build. Add more builds and overviews for each of them like on Tifa page. 1 / 5
Assist Assist data added. Add common viable assists with overviews (use tabber). 1 / 5
Matchups Create page. Matchup analysis and tips. 0 / 32
Resources Create page. Various helpful links related to character. 0 / 5
Starter Guide Create page. Concise PvP guide with essentials and core concepts. 0 / 5
Strategy Create page. In depth general tips and counterplay. 0 / 5