Yuna is a unique character that excels with disjoints attacks at mid range.
By mid range, i mean about one-two backstep away from her
She has a simple variety of attack to choose from but every attack serve a purpose to make her able to be the director of the match.
All of her attack use her summon which means she stays out of the fight while her summon is doing the damage. Her bravery attack can be categorized under three type of attack "get of me, i need my space" "you are at mid range, time for damage" and "you re too far, i ll make you come towards me".
Most attacks have very usefull animation to use an assist an convert into HP.
Unfortunately she does not have HP links into her bravery, there are some very strict timing to get some combo. You will rely on assist a lot to confirm your HP attacks, fortunately, she has very good option to whiff to charge her meter. Most build might use Kuja as an assist as it brings both high damage and assit Chase to consistently confirm on most of your bravery attacks. Most notably, heavenly strike can ground rush in many situation offering an opportunity for Kuja Ground assist which offers a large window for combo while still giving the opportunity to assist chase.
Yuna gameplan is very different on the ground and in the air. Ground is for space control, when being on the ground you want to create distance by throwing your opponent far from you. Meteor Strike, Aerospark and Hellfire are your main tools. Ifrit attacks can be compared to shoryukens in terms of utility, there are relatively fast options, good anti air that will send your foe away and making them understand "don't come near me, i need my space". Aerospark has various application that will be explained later, to make it simple, use it as a damaging gap closer, and avoid chasing unless you want EX force.
Ground to Ground combat should be avoided, fleeing with Yuna is a valid option, i recommand having a guick access to Multi Air Slide (even +) for maneuvering more easily.
As a rule of thumb, your opponent best position is slightly above you at mid range
In the air Yuna has a very safe pressure with the Shiva attacks. Heavenly strike is a very unique move which will not stagger you if it gets parried, it is your fastest move and allow for good control and assist calls, you can whiff this often to maintain or generate meter, but don't be too predictable as yuna dodge is punishable. Diamond dust is a fast HP attack that can be used as a mixup to break guard if you see the opponent trying to block the heavenly strike. Other HP attacks are very commital, thor hammer and Mega Flare can be assist punished by Kuja so throwing those attacks out randomly might be more damaging for you than for your opponent. Hellfire can wall opponents off and is your fastest High Physical attack. Finally Sonic wings is a very useful attack, with good damage, EX generation and range. I would not recommend chasing, but simply dodging forward after sending the opponent ot pickup the ex you generated.
Yuna EX generation is very good, you can safely assume you will be able to get EX mode in a match. If you don t want to assist call on Sonic Wings, you can finish the attack and dodge into the EX force cloud that got generated. Hellfire can generate up to 150 EX force depending on how much your opponent bounces on the flame pillars. Thanks to Spira's Hope, her signature weapon, she gets a really good EX force absorb range.
Her EX mode is very flashy but changes her drastically, it s almost as she becomes a different character at this point. All of her bravery gets about 50% more damage, sometimes more. The double edge is that some attacks gets different effects which changes the way you should use them.
Most notably, heavnly strike becomes physical and thus can be parried, Sonic Wings wall rushes, aerospark makes you airborne (which unlocks a combo btw). Her Ex burst is quite easy to do, it might be a bit different with lag but it's perfectly manageable. 25% of the EX burst damage is done on the screen transition, which makes those 25% not reducable by the EX burst bonus defense mechanic.
Yuna has some neat tech to use in a fight, she can hit glitch heavenly strike off Impulse, you have a tight window to guarantee a brv hit chase on aerospark, there are loops to do with her EX mode. Overall there are lots of knowledge you can acquire to create unexpected situation that could turn the tide in your favor.
Unfortanely, yuna is slow and floaty. with adamant being on of her very good sets, you don t need a lot of jumps on her and equip multi air slide quite easily for movement. However contesting EX core or replacing yourself far from a wall tends to be difficult if your are in maps that dont favor you. Your small amount of jumps makes the use of the terrain very important to gain speed, precision jumps and quick jumps are staples to gain height quickly. Once in the air, dodges maintain your height, and try to come down with descend speed boost when you need too
She excels on small and average size maps. Top Floor, Prima vista are as such that heavenly strike will always ground rush, helping you to combo.
She deals fine on world of darkness but she needs to control center stage, you might want to use the rails and Air dash (yes the quickmove one) with air dash boost for better space control. Orders and Sky Fortress are very matchup dependent. If you need to chase the opponent down, avoid those.
Strengths |
Her variety of attack allow her to attack at a safe distance against most fighters, she deal well against zoners.
Straight forward kit making her a great first character to start the game and understand how everything else works.
Lots of techs, lots of builds, bit by bit knowledge make her very interesting to play
Very EX good generation, at least one EX per match, Heavenly strike can be whiffed for Assist
Very unique attack pattern and interactions, which make her difficult to play against
She struggles against faster characters, landing is hard, fleeing is hard, rushing is hard
No HP link in her kit and commital HP makes that you will need assist to land HP.
She is a whole new character in EX which, you need to switch mindset entering EX mode
Because she stay still during most attacks, she is vulnerable to assist counterattack
Average attack and low def make her very vulnerable against some high stats characters.
Bravery Attacks
Yuna bravery attacks uses summons. Yuna is stationnary as she is "casting" the summon. The summon is a disjointed attack that cover a good range in front of her
During EX mode, double summons adds another summon to the attack, improving damage and changing effects.
Attack data within brackets indicate Double Summons.
Version |
Damage multiplier |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force |
Effects |
CP (Mastered)
10, 20 (30) |
19F |
Physical |
Melee Low |
30 |
Wall Rush |
30 (15)
EX Mode
10, [5, 10], 20 (45) |
19F |
Physical [Magical] |
Melee Low [Ranged Low] |
30 |
Wall Rush |
Ifrit Claw Swipe, good vertical range, can catch an opponent trying to rush you from the air average Damage.
After the first claw swipe hit you can usually call an assist like Kuja or cecil. This can be parried and will stagger you if your opponent does so.
In EX it adds a Heavenly strike to the combo, making it a ground rush instead of a Wall Rush
[Close] Summon Ifrit. Sends foe flying.
Version |
Damage multiplier |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force |
Effects |
CP (Mastered)
3 x 4, 5 x 6 (42) |
27F |
Physical (strike) > Magical (projectiles) |
Melee Mid (strike) > Ranged Low (projectiles) |
90 |
Chase |
30 (15)
EX Mode
3 x 4, [10, 10], 5 x 6 (62) |
27F |
Physical (strike) > Magical (projectiles) |
Melee Mid (strike) > Ranged Low (projectiles) |
90 |
Chase |
Rush forward with Ixion, once the attack hits, Ixion Horn will glow twice, press O again on the second flash to trigger the Aerospark discs.
Once the disks hits you can chase. This is a Melee mid so it will stagger on block making it a safe tool for ground to ground or anti air situation while the enemy is slightly above ground. This attack is pretty fast for its range and is a really good burst option to change the pace you tend to put with Yuna.
On a very specific timing and spacing of chase can the 3rd disks hit during the chase, giving you a free chase bravery opportunity, you might need to test this as it very situational.
A very specific tech can be done on terrain with small obstacle, you can block yuna in the obstacle while having ixion still go forward, this allow you to use the unicorn as mid-long range projectile. Be careful not to stick ixion in the obstacle as well.
In EX mode Aerospark puts you in the air, this allow you to dodge cancel into heavenly strike for quite a good amount of damage.
[Mid] Summon Ixion. Delay combo to boost hit times.
Version |
Damage multiplier |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force |
Effects |
CP (Mastered)
each 7 |
39F |
Magical |
Ranged Low |
0 |
- |
30 (15)
EX Mode
[20], 7 each (27+) |
45F [15F] |
Magical [Physical] |
Ranged Low [Melee Low] |
0 |
- |
Multi projectile in a cone shape, pretty bad at long range. This is ranged low so it can be dashed through. It can be useful to combo of some assist like Kuja's ground at close range while still being able to assist chase. You can remove this for bonus AP though.
EX Energy Blast adds an ifrit swipe which makes it parryable, it s basically Energy Blast + Meteor Strike, not really useful either.
[Long] Summon Valefor. Fire five lasers in wave pattern.
Version |
Damage multiplier |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force |
Effects |
CP (Mastered)
5 x 4, 15 (35) |
27F |
Physical |
Melee Low |
90 |
Chase |
30 (15)
EX Mode
5 x 4, [2 x 4, 10], 10 (48) |
27F |
Physical |
Melee Low |
30 |
Wall Rush |
30 (15)
Yuna calls valefor who spins on the enemy, if it hits, yuna can press O again to send the enemy away, initiating chase
The butter move for Yuna also known as "VALEFOR !", its melee low which can be parried and will stagger you, but this move's range is HUGE.
This move is your best tool at mid range to poke at your enemy. After the first hit you can call an assist like kuja to combo into HP, but you lose on damage and EX gen.
The finisher holds the strike that generates lots of EX Force, if you do not want to chase for Ex absorb, simply dodge forward where Valefor used to be, Spira's hope (the weapon) will make you absorb everything. Despite being a Melee hit, it goes through some traps mainly Emperor's Flares and Ultimecia Knight Lances making it a very good tool in those matchups.
The EX version does not gain a lot of damage (about 37% increase compared to the usual 50%) and trade chase for Wall rush. With assist you will need to remember that this attack wall rushes to get a good combo
[Mid] Summon Valefor. Great for attacking from below.
Version |
Damage multiplier |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force |
Effects |
CP (Mastered)
4, 6, 12 (22) |
11F |
Magical |
Ranged Low |
30 |
Wall Rush |
30 (15)
EX Mode
4, [4], 6, [4, 4], 12 (34) |
11F [19F] |
Magical [Physical] |
Ranged Low [Melee Low] |
30 |
Wall Rush |
The bread move for Yuna also knwon as SHIVA !, this move is a single ranged low strike. If it hits, press O to add another hit, press O again to slam your opponent to the ground. The slam distance is about half the heigth of Order's sanctuary height. It will always ground rush on Top floor - Pandaemonium.
You need to understand the tracking hitbox of this move. Shiva can spawn close to you but the reach of the attack is much more wide above yuna than under her, i usually figure a cone pointing downwards with yuna into it. This allow you to catch opponent in many many situations.
If you are too high, you can usually assist combo of the two first hits. If you are close to the ground, you can slam your opponent for wall rush.
This move cannot be parried, making it one of the best move to whiff in the game, this is good for pressure and building meter.
EX Heavenly strike adds Ixion hits to the shiva ice strikes adding a Melee low to the first strike. Yes, EX shiva can be parried when non EX cannot.
Ex shiva has really good damage though
[Close] Summon Shiva. Short range, quick strike.Charge time 58 frames. Projectile comes out 11 frames after button release.
Version |
Damage multiplier |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force |
Effects |
CP (Mastered)
10 (uncharged) / each 5 (charged) |
39F |
Magical |
Ranged Low |
0 |
- |
30 (15)
EX Mode
10 / [10] each 5 |
39F |
Magical |
Ranged Low |
0 |
- |
Can be hold to charge, on immediate release fires a single projectile, after a few frames, bahamut maw will glow, indicating the attack can be thrown, launching 4 projectiles at once.
This tool is a way to force your opponent to approach. Be careful as the projectile do not affect dashing ennemies.
Single impulse is more useful than it seems as the projectile is straightforward and comes out pretty fast, it is a good way to poke fast at long range.
yuna gameplan revolving mostly at close/mid range, you can surprise your opponent with an impulse at long range, be careful not to be too predicable.
Charge impulse is super reactable but has one very good use in enabling one of yuna's most powerful combo: impuse to Heavenly strike.
To do so Charge impulse, and try to do a heavenly strike when impulse hits.
Due to hit glitch properties, Impulse can trigger heavenly strike follow up, creating this threat of a long range ground slam attack.
This is more than situation and very flashy but the damage you get of this is quite huge.
TLDR: projectile is bad, you can surprise your opponent with it, charge for hit glitch flashy combos but don't fish for it.
[Long] Summon Bahamut. Charge to change strength.
HP Attacks
The amount of EX force generated depends on how many flame pillars hit.
In Street Figther words : this is a shoryuken. Use this when your opponent is trying to approach you from the air. Does not work directly above Yuna.
A relatively fast move for its power with great anti air capabilities. Great tracking around Yuna when she casts it, it s very good at catching side dodges
Each flame pillar has its own hitbox and HP damaging abilities. Your opponent can bounce back between flame pillars generating a lot of EX force from this.
If you want to get some distance, or have your opponent go away from you do this move, they have to respect it.
This is your fastest melee high so this is your go to option to reflect Emperor's flare. Be careful that only the ifrit claw is Melee.
Pillars are ranged high.
Pillars can be used as 1 hit HP if your opponent is sitting at full EX.
The knockback from the pillar is quite high and can be chained with a kuja assist, allowing for an assist chase with 100% crit due to the bravery recovery mechanic or simply to continue to apply bravery pressure.
Base damage |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force
10 |
37F |
Physical |
Melee High (claw), Ranged High (pillars) |
Effects |
CP (Mastered) |
Cancels |
Assist Gain (Hit)
- |
30 (15) |
Unlocked at level |
Mastered at AP |
[Close] Summon Ifrit. Short range, good vertical range.
Base damage |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force
- |
59F |
- |
Ranged High |
Effects |
CP (Mastered) |
Cancels |
Assist Gain (Hit)
- |
30 (15) |
Unlocked at level |
Mastered at AP |
Yuna's one hit HP, Valefor draws a line on the ground that explodes after a short delay.
Each circle on the ground is a Ranged high projectile inflicting HP damage. Valefor has a small tracking when casting the ray, but it s really poor.
One of the long ranged attack Yuna has, useful to force to approach or to punish long casting animation.
This move is super vulnerable to assist punishes.
[Long] Summon Valefor. Invokes vertically long columns of fire.
Base damage |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force
2 x 5 (10) |
49F |
Magical |
Ranged High |
Effects |
CP (Mastered) |
Cancels |
Assist Gain (Hit)
Absorb |
30 (15) |
Unlocked at level |
Mastered at AP |
Yuna delays a bit and summon Ixion to do a vortex attack at mid range. Slight absorption effect.
This move has average horizontal range but very good vertical tracking, Ixion has a very good adaptability to where he can put the vortex attack.
This is useful to deny any attack from directly above/below.
One of the use case is to cover from an assist swap against opponent with the ability to attack verticaly (Cloud, FC, Golbez) The whole attack is considered Ranged High so it will go through any projectile and deny most approach.
This attack leaves Yuna wide open from where she does not attack, making it very vulnerable to assist punishes and neutral rush down.
This should be used sparingly as it is really reactable and punishable.
[Mid] Summon Ixion. Effective against any height.
Base damage |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force
2 x 5 (10) |
21F |
Magical |
Ranged High |
Effects |
CP (Mastered) |
Cancels |
Assist Gain (Hit)
- |
30 (15) |
Unlocked at level |
Mastered at AP |
Summon shiva who linger in one spot, if the enemy enters shiva's range, triggers a follow up with small BRV damage and a HP hit.
Very powerful move, useful to catch wandering opponents around you.
This move is the opposite of heavenly strike in the fact it is really good at catching character underneath you.
The followup will bump the opponent into the air. This move stays active for quite a while.
If the opponent triggers the followup in the end of the active frames, Yuna will be actionnable before the lag from the animation finishes, leading in a true combo of Diamond dust -> heavenly strike.
[Close] Summon Shiva. Short range, quick execution.
Base damage |
Startup frame |
Type |
Priority |
EX Force
2 x 8 (16) |
63F |
Magical |
Melee High |
Effects |
CP (Mastered) |
Cancels |
Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush |
30 (15) |
Unlocked at level |
Mastered at AP |
Yuna summons Bahamut directly under her and it fires a big laser at mid range. The laser deals quite a good amount of damage and it is the only HP attack with Wall Rush capabilities.
Before firing the laser Bahamut has excellent tracking of your opponent, making this move able to catch any dodge around Yuna.
The laser is Melee High so it can be clashed and it will stagger Yuna (same with jecht's block). It can reflect Emp's Flares.
Same as Thor's Hammer, the move leaves Yuna very vulnerable to assist punish, throwing this out in neutral is a free assist opportunity for your opponent.
This move is generally used to safely punish a missed close range opportunity, or to put pressure on your opponent if they don't have assist.
[Long] Summon Bahamut. Very accurate and powerful.
EX Mode: Grand Summon!
- Regen
- Critical Boost
- Double Summons
Double Summons
[Always active while in EX Mode]
Two Aeons are simultaneously summoned with one BRV attack.
EX Burst: To the Farplane
Sends foe to another dimension after attacking with the summoned Aeon. Enter the commands that apppear to summon another Aeon.
Damage multiplier (initial) |
Damage multiplier (rest) |
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (25) |
5, 10, 7, 9, 4, 12, 6, 11, 3, 8 (75) (100 total) |
Builds here.
Yuna's assist data
Type |
Attack |
Startup |
Position |
Spawn |
Damage multiplier |
Meteor Strike |
19F |
Ground |
Opponent |
10, 20 (30) |
Wall Rush
Heavenly Strike |
11F |
Air |
Opponent |
4, 6, 12 (22) |
Wall Rush
HP |
Hellfire |
39F |
Ground |
Opponent |
10 |
HP |
Diamond Dust |
21F |
Air |
Opponent |
2 x 5 (10) |
Yuna works well with Tidus, Jecht, Kuja, Sephiroth.
Wiki Roadmap (012 Yuna)
Please edit this page's roadmap template when relevant additions and changes are made.
Page |
Completed |
In progress |
To-do |
General |
34 / 86
Strengths and weaknesses |
Pros and cons. |
? / ?
Overview |
Shorten overview, distribute it across Yuna's pages. |
1 / 2
Bravery Attacks |
Ability info, overview, images |
5 / 5
HP Attacks |
Ability info, overview, images |
5 / 5
EX Mode |
Basic info, overview, image |
3 / 3
Combos |
Solo combos, Kuja assist combos. |
Add solo and assist combos with video examples. |
6 / 7
Builds |
1 build. |
Add more builds with the new templates. |
5 / 10
Assist |
Assist data |
Common viable assists with overviews. |
1 / 3
Matchups |
Create page. Matchup analysis and tips. |
0 / 32
Frame Data |
Create page. |
0 / 1
Starter Guide |
Done. |
Shorten the strategy paragraphs? |
8 / 8
Strategy |
Create page. Strategies and counterplays. |
0 / 10