Yuna (Dissidia 012)/Combos

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Yuna has flexible combo routes for many situations. While her bravery damage is low, she does not rely on walls to complete combos. Most of her HP attacks work as combo starters, but also as a combo ender. They also generate lots of EX. Diamond Dust is recommended as the entry level combo ender for its speed and EX generation.

Yuna's combos become even stronger with a wall or with EX Mode.


Yuna has a handful of solo combos. Most of them are situational, if not impractical to do in online matches. But they are good for Yuna when they do hit. EX mode is the only way Yuna can solo combo BRV to an HP attack, but even this requires a wall.

Hit Glitch

Yuna can take advantage of the hit glitch with charged Impulse. It is recommended to dodge cancel in order to have more time for Heavenly Strike. When the projectiles hit, perform Heavenly Strike and press the BRV button ddff-icon-button-circle.png repeatedly to ensure the follow-ups come out.

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Long range, no wall required.
Hit Glitch only.
Impulse (Charged) > Impulse HIT > Heavenly Strike 23~38 + WR 15


Base Damage (Breakdown): 5~20 > 6, 12 + WR Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 0 > 15
This utilizes the hit glitch, which requires Yuna doing Heavenly Strike when the charged Impulse hits the opponent. Because Yuna cannot cancel Impulse into Heavenly Strike, the projectiles must hit much later than when they were first shot. That limits the practicality of this combo, but it still provides Yuna a long range wall rush conversion into assist if it hits.


Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Low ceiling / corner only. Aerospark (max delay) > DC (forward) > Heavenly Strike 64 + WR 120


Base Damage (Breakdown): 3x4, 5x6 > 4, 6, 12 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 90 + 30
This combo only works in stages with low ceiling and corners, such as Phantom Train. That makes this another situational, but powerful solo combo for Yuna. The timing for dodge cancel and attacking are both strict. So even with the reduced knockback, this can still be a difficult combo to do.

Diamond Dust (late hit)

Diamond Dust has plenty of active frames. If Yuna connects this move right before the active frames end, she can combo into other moves.

Diamond Dust's upward knockback restricts how follow-ups are done. When Yuna is at the same height as her opponent, she can only do Heavenly Strike. If Yuna is above the opponent, they will stay in range for Sonic Wings or another Diamond Dust.

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
HP starter, no wall required.
Starter must hit late.
Diamond Dust (late hit) > Heavenly Strike 24 93


Base Damage (Breakdown): 2 > 4, 6, 12 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 63 + 30
When Diamond Dust hits late, Yuna has enough frame advantage to go for a solo follow-up. Heavenly Strike's vertical reach is a consistent follow-up, and quite rewarding if it wall rushes for an assist combo. Using assist to set this up helps Yuna keep the opponent on the ground as well.
HP starter, no wall required.
Starter must hit late, opponent must be below Yuna.
Diamond Dust (late hit) > Sonic Wings 2 153


Base Damage (Breakdown): 2 > 0 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 63 + 90
Yuna must be above her opponent for this to work. Diamond Dust's upward knockback remains the same, but the opponent won't be pulled to Yuna's height when it hits. Sonic Wings may not deal any bravery damage at all due to the short gap between Diamond Dust and the bravery. It generates 90 EX on hit however and pushes the opponent back a fair amount.
HP starter, no wall required.
Starter must hit late, opponent must be below Yuna.
Diamond Dust (late hit) > Diamond Dust 4 153


Base Damage (Breakdown): 2 > 2 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 63 + 90
Yuna must be above her opponent for this to work. Diamond Dust's upward knockback remains the same, but the opponent won't be pulled to Yuna's height when it hits. Diamond Dust generates the same amount of EX as Sonic Wings, but also applies meter depletion if it's equipped. The opponent will be left closer and above Yuna, which is a good position for poking more with Heavenly Strike.

EX Mode

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Ground only.
EX Mode only.
EX Aerospark (max delay) > DC (forward) > Heavenly Strike 76~92 + WR 105-120


Base Damage (Breakdown): Minimum: 3x4, 10, 5x6 (52) > 4, 4, 4, 12 (24). Highest: 3x4, [10, 10], 5x6 > [4], 6, [4, 4], 12 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 90 + 15-30
This is one of Yuna's strongest solo combos. It is possible due to EX Aerospark leaving Yuna airborne. No Adamant Chains midair boost is needed, but the timing is strict once again. Yuna must dodge towards her opponent for this to work. The second hit of EX Heavenly Strike can connect thanks to its increased range. Mapping Heavenly Strike to up + circle (↑+ddff-icon-button-circle.png) can make this combo easier to do.
Ground only, near wall / corner / ceiling.
EX mode only.
EX Aerospark > DC (forward) > Diamond Dust 62~72 180


Base Damage (Breakdown): Minimum: 3x4, 10, 5x6 (52) > 2x5 (10). Highest: 3x4, [10, 10], 5x6 > 2x5 (62) Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 90 + 90
This is Yuna's only solo combo into an HP attack. The requirements are high and situational, but the reward is noteworthy. Diamond Dust has less vertical reach than Heavenly Strike, so a wall etc. is needed to reduce the opponent's knockback. That will shorten the distance Yuna has to travel. Mapping Diamond Dust to up + square (↑+ddff-icon-button-square.png) can make this combo easier to do.

Assist (Kuja)

AC = Assist Chase | DC = Dodge Cancel | WR = Wall Rush

Kuja is a tried and true competitive assist, and he works very well with Yuna. He converts off of Yuna's attacks anywhere and lets Yuna combo into her most important moves.


Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Ground, no wall Meteor Strike (1st hit) > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust 70 120


Base Damage (Breakdown): 10, 50, 10 + HP Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 30 + 90
Basic grounded starter. No wall required, but be sharp about calling Kuja on time.
Ground, Wall Rush
Meteor Strike > WR > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust 90 + BRV Wall Rush 120


Base Damage (Breakdown): 30, 50, 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 30 + 90
Basic wall rush conversion.
Ground, Chase Aerospark (max delay) > Empty Chase > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust 102 180


Base Damage (Breakdown): 42, 50, 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 90 + 90
Good grounded combo for EX. No wall required, but empty chase and Kuja assist must be done as soon as possible. There is not enough frame advantage otherwise. If aerial accessory_booster.png booster is equipped, Yuna has to dodge to keep its active.
Ground, Chase
Aerospark > Kuja > Aerospark (max delay) > both HIT > chase BRV > AC > Diamond Dust ~98 - 132 195 - 240


Base Damage (Breakdown): Minimum: 2x4, 5x6, ~50 (Kuja), 0 (Chase BRV), 10. Maximum: 3x4, 5x6, 50 (Kuja), 30 (Chase BRV), 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): Minimum: ~90, 15, 90. Maximum: ~90, 60, 90
Chase setup that enables more damage and EX. The chase BRV keeps the combo going, but the opponent can choose to dodge it. The combo will work even then, but obviously means less damage and EX.

Sonic Wings

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Midair, no wall Sonic Wings (1) > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust 75 - 80 120


Base Damage (Breakdown): Minimum: 5x3, 50, 10. Maximum: 5x4, 50, 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 30 + 90
Midair conversion, can be done at a distance. Since Yuna is already airborne, this can help reach the ceiling. Be wary of banish traps in Ultimecia's Castle and Orphan's Cradle, though.
Midair, wall Sonic Wings > Kuja > Empty Chase > AC > Diamond Dust 90 - 95 180


Base Damage (Breakdown): Minimum: 5x3, 15, 50 (Kuja), 10. Maximum: 5x4, 15, 50 (Kuja), 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 90 + 90
If near a wall, Yuna can finish Sonic Wings for more damage and EX. Empty Chase as Kuja is about to hit the opponent and follow with Assist Chase afterwards.

Heavenly Strike (midair)

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Midair, no wall Heavenly Strike (2 hits) > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust 70 120


Base Damage (Breakdown): 4, 6, 50 (Kuja), 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 90
Basic air combo off of Yuna's main poke. Low damage, but works without walls. Yuna uses this move frequently, so this is a good combo to learn first.
Midair, no wall Heavenly Strike (2) > Kuja > DC (up) > H. Strike (1) > DC > AC > Diamond Dust 74 135


Base Damage (Breakdown): 4, 6, 4, 50, 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 15 + 90
A simple filler that slightly increases damage and EX gain. Dodge cancel up and hit the opponent with H. Strike's first hit when Kuja is attacking upwards.
Midair, no wall Heavenly Strike (2) > Kuja > DC (up) > Sonic Wings (1) > AC > Diamond Dust 94 150


Base Damage (Breakdown): 4, 6, 4, 4x5, 50 (Kuja), 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 30 + 90
A stronger filler that increases damage and EX gain. Dodge cancelling Sonic Wings is not necessary, but leaves less time for a slower HP if it's needed.
Midair Heavenly Strike (2) > Kuja > DC x2 > Mega Flare 76 + HP WR 54


Base Damage (Breakdown): 4, 6, 50, 16 + HP WR Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 24
Mega Flare doesn't track much vertically, but it is possible to use it after Kuja. Try to time Mega Flare a bit before opponent stops moving up.

Heavenly Strike (WR)

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Midair, Wall Rush (ground) Heavenly Strike > WR > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust 79 + BRV WR 120


Base Damage (Breakdown): 22 + WR, 47 (Kuja), 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 90
Basic air combo that leads to Kuja ground assist. Kuja provides a lot of time to reposition and add filler attacks. Many fillers work great here.
Midair, Wall Rush (Ground) H. Strike > WR > Kuja > DC x2 > Diamond Dust (late) > Sonic Wings 106 183


Base Damage (Breakdown): 22 + WR, 47 (Kuja), 2 + HP, 35 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 63 + 90
Kuja ground BRV can also setup Yuna's late Diamond Dust combos. Time the Diamond Dust a bit after Kuja's multihits begin.

Heavenly Strike (WR) Fillers

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Midair, Wall Rush (ground) Heavenly Strike > WR > Kuja > DC (side) > Sonic Wings (1) > DC > AC > Diamond Dust 99 + BRV WR 150


Base Damage (Breakdown): 22 + WR, 47 (Kuja), 20, 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 30 + 90
Midair, Wall Rush (Ground) H. Strike > WR > Kuja > DC (quarter circle) > Diamond Dust > DC > AC > Diamond Dust 89 + BRV WR 210


Base Damage (Breakdown): 22 + WR, 47 (Kuja), 10 (D. Dust), 10 (D. Dust) Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 90 + 90
This is Yuna's strongest filler for EX. Aiming Diamond Dust without losing damage or dropping the combo can be tricky. Landing this also inflicts more meter depletion if it's equipped. The good thing about that is this combo does not rely on walls, only the floor. Yuna has a different HP attack filler that requires it.
Midair, ground & wall H. Strike > WR > Kuja > DC (towards Kuja) > Mega Flare > WR > DC > AC > Sonic Wings ~120 144


Base Damage (Breakdown): 22 + WR, ~47 (Kuja), 16 (M. Flare) + HP WR, 35 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 24 + 90
This combo filler is the only HP wall rush Yuna can use. This can deal lots of extra damage at high bravery (25 % of original bravery), with still enough time for Sonic Wings. Mega Flare may push the opponent out of Kuja during this combo, which can reduce brv damage. Regardless, Kuja has enough tracking to hit after Mega Flare. Just be ready to dodge cancel as soon as possible. If extra meter depletion is needed, replace Sonic Wings ender with Diamond Dust.
Midair, Wall Rush (Ground) H. Strike > WR > Kuja > Hellfire > DC > AC > Sonic Wings 114 180 - 270


Base Damage (Breakdown): 22 + WR, 47 (Kuja), 10, 35 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 15 + 60~150 + 90
Hellfire can hit multiple times with the fire pillars, which theoretically makes this the strongest filler for EX and meter depletion. The close range claw hit also deals comparable BRV damage to other HP fillers. Time the Hellfire during Kuja's multihits.

Heavenly Strike wall rush enables a variety of combo fillers to account for damage and EX.

HP Attacks

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Midair, no wall Diamond Dust > Kuja > DC > AC > Diamond Dust 70 180


Base Damage (Breakdown): 10, 50, 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 90 + 90
Basic midair combo off of Yuna's fastest HP. Good EX gain, no wall needed. The dodge cancel (DC) is not necessary, unless the stage or aerial accessory_booster.png booster require it.
Ground (anti-air OK) Hellfire > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust HP, 46, 10, HP 150


Base Damage (Breakdown): HP, ~56 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 60 + 90
Grounded anti-air conversion. Works when opponent is above Yuna or close to her. Kuja assist won't always land all of his hits, which reduces BRV damage slightly. He can consistently hit the opponent though.
Wall Rush Mega Flare > WR > Kuja > DC > AC > Diamond Dust 76 + HP WR 114


Base Damage (Breakdown): 16 + HP WR, 50, 10 Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 24 + 90
Basic wall rush conversion. If you catch the opponent dodging after Heavenly Strike, this is a good way to capitalize on that habit. Mega Flare is Yuna's only wall rush HP, so the payoff can be great.
Ground (Yuna) Energy Ray > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust 10 + HP x2 150


Base Damage (Breakdown): HP, 10 + HP Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 60 + 90
Basic HP conversion. Energy Ray is pretty linear, but the generous hit stun rewards good reads.
Midair, wall / corner Thor's Hammer > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust. 70 + HP x2 180


Base Damage (Breakdown): 10 + HP, 50, 10 + HP Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 90 + 90
Basic HP conversion. This requires wall or corner, but it's reliable due to shorter knockback and long hit stun.

Hit Glitch

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
hit glitch
Impulse (charged) > Impulse HIT > Heavenly Strike > WR > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust 85 - 95 + BRV WR + HP 105


Base Damage (Breakdown): Minimum: 5, 5, 6, 12 + WR, 47, 10 + HP. Maximum: 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 12 + WR, 47, 10 + HP Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 15 + 90
The hit glitch combo can also start assist combos. Depending on how far Yuna is from the opponent, filler hits may not be possible at all.

EX Mode

Condition Combo Base Damage EX Notes
Ground only.
EX Mode only.
EX Aerospark (max delay) > DC (forward) > Heavenly Strike > WR > Kuja > EX Sonic Wings (1st) > DC > AC > Diamond Dust 171~187 + WR & HP 195 - 210


Base Damage (Breakdown): Minimum: 3x4, 10, 5x6 (52) > 4, 4, 4, 12 (24) > 47 (Kuja) > 38 > 10 + HP. Highest: 3x4, [10, 10], 5x6 > [4], 6, [4, 4], 12 > 47 (Kuja) > 38 > 10 + HP Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 90 + 15-30 + 90
The EX mode combo can also start assist combos. This can be a particularly powerful combo route when combined with fillers.
Ground only, near wall / corner / ceiling.
EX mode only.
EX Aerospark > DC (forward) > Diamond Dust > Kuja > AC > Diamond Dust 122~132 + HP 180


Base Damage (Breakdown): Minimum: 3x4, 10, 5x6 (52) > 2x5 (10) > 50 (Kuja) > 10 + HP. Highest: 3x4, [10, 10], 5x6 > 2x5 (62) > 50 (Kuja) > 10 + HP. Opponent Assist (Comrade's Vow): ??? EX Force (Breakdown): 90 + 90
Since Yuna can combo into Diamond Dust with this route, it also enables an assist combo. The requirements are still high, but the reward is quite good for Yuna. If EX mode is still active, Sonic Wings wall rush is also a good option. Otherwise delaying HP for base bravery recovery is recommended.

