Yuna (Dissidia 012)

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Revision as of 15:14, 17 August 2024 by Muggshotter (talk | contribs) (Updated character info, moved overview above pro / cons.)

General Starter Guide Combos Strategy Frame Data
Matchups Builds Match Videos Gallery Resources

Name Yuna (ユウナ)
Original game Final Fantasy X
Base ATK (LV100) 110 (Average)
Base DEF (LV100) 110 (Low)
Run Speed 7 (Average)
Dash Speed 85 (Slow)
Fall Speed 89 (Below Avg.)
Fall Speed Ratio After Dodge 40 (Average)
Fastest BRV 11F (Heavenly Strike)
Fastest HP 21F (Diamond Dust)
1-Hit HP Energy Ray
HP Links No
Command Block No
Weapon Guns
Armor Bangles
Exclusive weapons Yevon's Will
Yunalesca's Staff
Spira's Hope
Alignment Cosmos
Voice Actor (JP) Mayuko Aoki
Voice Actor (ENG) Hedy Burress


Strengths Weaknesses

Bravery Attacks

Attack data within brackets indicate Double Summons.


Version Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
Normal 10, 20 (30) 19F Physical Melee Low 30 Wall Rush 30 (15)
EX Mode 10, [5, 10], 20 (45) 19F Physical [Magical] Melee Low [Ranged Low] 30 Wall Rush -
[Close] Summon Ifrit. Sends foe flying.


Version Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
Normal 5 x 4, 15 (35) 27F Physical Melee Low 90 Chase 30 (15)
EX Mode 5 x 4, [2 x 4, 10], 10 (48) 27F Physical Melee Low 30 Wall Rush 30 (15)
[Mid] Summon Valefor. Great for attacking from below.

HP Attacks


The amount of EX force generated depends on how many flame pillars hit.

Base damage Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
10 37F Physical Melee High (claw), Ranged High (pillars) 60~150
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Close] Summon Ifrit. Short range, good vertical range.


Base damage Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
2 x 5 (10) 49F Magical Ranged High 90
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Hit)
Absorb 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Mid] Summon Ixion. Effective against any height.

EX Mode: Grand Summon!


  • Regen
  • Critical Boost
  • Double Summons

Double Summons

[Always active while in EX Mode] Two Aeons are simultaneously summoned with one BRV attack.

EX Burst: To the Farplane

Sends foe to another dimension after attacking with the summoned Aeon. Enter the commands that apppear to summon another Aeon.

Damage multiplier (initial) Damage multiplier (rest) Type
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (25) 5, 10, 7, 9, 4, 12, 6, 11, 3, 8 (75) (100 total) ??





Builds here.

HP 10171
CP 450
BRV 1314
ATK 177
DEF 183
LUK 61
Max Booster x1.8
Special Effect: None
Assist Kuja
Weapon ddff-icon-equip-weapon.png Spira's Hope
Hand ddff-icon-equip-hand.png Hero's Shield (CP Glitch)
Head ddff-icon-equip-head.png Royal Crown
Body ddff-icon-equip-body.png Maximillian (CP Glitch)
Accessory 1 accessory_basic.png Dismay Shock
Accessory 2 accessory_basic.png Battle Hammer
Accessory 3 accessory_booster.png BRV = 0
Accessory 4 accessory_booster.png Pre-EX Revenge
Accessory 5 accessory_special.png Blue Gem
Accessory 6 accessory_special.png White Gem
Accessory 7 accessory_special.png Tenacious Attacker
Accessory 8 accessory_special.png Glutton
Accessory 9 accessory_special.png Great Gospel
Accessory 10 accessory_special.png Miracle Shoes
Summon ddff-icon-summonstone.png Rubicante
{{{dataBRV}}} {{{dataHP}}}
Bravery attacks
Ground Aerial
HP attacks
Ground Aerial

ddff-icon-equip%20ability.png indicates a "Gear" extra ability or the use of CP / Equipment glitch. The total CP cost will assume the glitch is done.

Equip the Best Dresser extra ability for +100 base bravery.


Yuna's assist data

Type Attack Startup Position Spawn Damage multiplier Effects
BRV Meteor Strike 19F Ground Opponent 10, 20 (30) Wall Rush
BRV Heavenly Strike 11F Air Opponent 4, 6, 12 (22) Wall Rush
HP Hellfire 39F Ground Opponent 10 Chase
HP Diamond Dust 21F Air Opponent 2 x 5 (10) Chase

Yuna works well with Tidus, Jecht, Kuja, Sephiroth.



Wiki Roadmap (012 Yuna)

Please edit this page's roadmap template when relevant additions and changes are made.

40 % done


Page Completed In progress To-do Score
General 34 / 86
Strengths and weaknesses Pros and cons. ? / ?
Overview Shorten overview, distribute it across Yuna's pages. 1 / 2
Bravery Attacks Ability info, overview, images 5 / 5
HP Attacks Ability info, overview, images 5 / 5
EX Mode Basic info, overview, image 3 / 3
Combos Solo combos, Kuja assist combos. Add solo and assist combos with video examples. 6 / 7
Builds 1 build. Add more builds with the new templates. 5 / 10
Assist Assist data Common viable assists with overviews. 1 / 3
Matchups Create page. Matchup analysis and tips. 0 / 32
Frame Data Create page. 0 / 1
Starter Guide Done. Shorten the strategy paragraphs? 8 / 8
Strategy Create page. Strategies and counterplays. 0 / 10