Onion Knight (Dissidia 012)

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Revision as of 23:15, 1 September 2023 by Muggshotter (talk | contribs) (→‎EX Mode)

Name Onion Knight
Original game Final Fantasy III
Base ATK (LV100)
Base DEF (LV100)
Run Speed 2.5 (Fast)
Dash Speed 69 (Very Fast)
Fall Speed 85 (Average)
Fall Speed Ratio After Dodge 14 (Very Fast)
Fastest BRV
Fastest HP
1-Hit HP
HP Links
Command Block
Weapon Daggers, Parrying Weapons, Rods, Staves, Swords, Thrown Weapons
Armor Bangles, Chestplates, Clothing, Gauntlets, Hats, Hairpins, Headbands, Light Armor
Exclusive weapons Tyrfing, Royal Sword, Onion Sword
Voice Actor (JP)
Voice Actor (ENG)

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Coming Soon
  • Coming Soon


Onion Knight is a playable character in Dissidia 012.

Bravery Moves

Grounded Moves

insert move here
Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Unlocked at
Mastered at


In-game description here.

Overview of the move here.

BRV to HP Attack (if exists)

insert move here

EX Mode


  • Regen
  • Critical Boost
  • Dual Wield
  • Sage's Wisdom

Dual Wield

[Job changes to Ninja when performing a physical attack.] Attacks move faster than the eye can see to snatch a greater amount of bravery.

Sage's Wisdom

[Job changes to Sage when performing a magic attack] Releases sealed mystic power, making spells stronger.

EX Burst: Ninjutsu

Throw the ninja's strongest weapon - the shuriken. Find and select "Shuriken" from the menu that displays.

Damage multiplier (initial) Damage multiplier (rest) Type
10, 10 (20) 5x12, 20 (100 total) Physical

EX Burst: Spellbook

Cast the sage's strongest spell - Holy. Find and select "Holy" from the menu that displays."

Damage multiplier (initial) Damage multiplier (rest) Type
10, 10 (20) 60, 20 (100 total) Magical