Laguna Loire (Dissidia 012)

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Revision as of 00:31, 21 February 2024 by Slaycrol (talk | contribs) (→‎Overview)

Name Laguna Loire (ラグナ・レウァール)
Original game Final Fantasy VIII
Base ATK (LV100) 111 (High)
Base DEF (LV100) 110 (Low)
Run Speed 9 (Slow)
Dash Speed 81 (Below Average)
Fall Speed 75 (Above Average)
Fall Speed Ratio After Dodge 35 (Above Average)
Fastest BRV
Fastest HP
1-Hit HP
HP Links
Command Block
Weapon Swords, Daggers, Greatswords, Guns
Armor Shields, Bangles, Hats, Helms, Clothing, Light Armor, Chestplates
Exclusive weapons Machine Gun, High-Power Machine Gun, Ragnarok Pistol
Voice Actor (JP)
Voice Actor (ENG)

Combos page

Strategy page

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Good long and mid range braveries: Excels at Long-to-Mid range zoning with Bazooka, Ricochet Shot and other tools to poke and pressure far away
  • Long range HPs: Satellite Laser, Split Laser and Ragnarok Blade together give him a wide range of space he can land and threaten HPs from
  • Electroshield: Electroshield alone limits alot of options, auto-reflects infront of you and synergizes well with the rest of his kit
  • Niche, but interesting properties: Satellite Laser's vertical range, Bazooka's "fake" mid priority, Sticky Bomb Unblockable etc. allow for unconventional gameplay.
  • Damaging pokes: Decent damage on his most common pokes and 111 ATK Stat put him above average in damage potential
  • Fairly damaging EX Revenge: EX Revenge combos can hurt quite alot, giving him a good chance to turn the match off of it
  • Committal Neutral: Long recovery on his best tools, easy assist punishable HPs and a lack of safe poke to throw out locks Laguna into his decisions, and a mistake can leave him open to punishes quickly
  • Limited combos and poke conversions: Lacks conversions off of alot of key pokes, and the ones he has are limited to specific assists / situations. On top of it, he struggles putting together extended combos without very specific scenarios or Sticky Bomb.
  • Relies on Electroshield for keepaway: With how good it is, it's the crux of his keepaway as it covers the blind spots of his other moves
  • Bad EX Mode: Cool idea, but hard for him to capitalize on'


Laguna is a midrange zoner with a balance between keepaway and rushdown tools. His strengths lie in his wide range of pokes to chip away at the opponents bravery and unique move properties, which allow him to have some unconventional strategies to play around his opponent.

His variety of ranges to work at gives Laguna the potential to always be able to threaten with something, wether its long range with Homing Bazooka, midrange with Ricochet Shot, or close range with Pummel and Electroshield.

However his biggest weakness lies in his long recovery on alot of key moves, making him easy to whiff punish on a mistake. Mixing up your options to throw off the opponent constantly is key to staying on defense with him, and watching the opponents resources to decide risk-reward accordingly.

If you like midrange play, poking away and cashing out huge with the right hit, and playing keepaway neutral, Laguna is your Man with the Machine Gun.

Bravery Attacks


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
1 x 32 (32) 31 Physical Ranged Low 3x32 (96) None 30 (15)

[Mid] Fire machine gun. Move with analog stick while holding button.

Run'n'Gun, literally. Laguna can't move during startup, but move while firing with his usual walk speed. Limited vertical aim and can't turn while firing, due to it's low hitstun has to close-in to keep the opponent locked..

Not the best move due to it's terrible range for a machine gun, but generates a lot of EX and allows for assist conversions although hard ones due to very low hitstun. Low Priority means they can dash through, but not contestable by alot of the cast while in its path. If used at all, don't get reckless, have a shield up for secondary cover.
Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
Main Bullet 35 (35) 37F, 1F after release 54F Half / 70F Full Charge Physical Ranged Mid 60 None 30 (15)
Split bullets 5 each Physical Ranged Low 3 Chase 30 (15)

[Long] Fire shots that break into smaller pieces after hitting stage.

Your main firearm for ground zoning, who shall keep the bad guys away, There's alot to unpack here

  • Laguna can charge it for more split bullets when it collides with the ground/walls. Half Charge gives 3 split shots, Full Charge 5. All Split Bullets can still bounce by themselves
  • Split bullets will track the opponents current location when bouncing, making for very good dodge punishes. Due to it's free, although limited, aiming property you can bounce bullets for creative punishes. Hitting behind them hits blocks like Shield of Light or Jecht block
  • Potentially the hardest hitting move in his bravery kit if both the main bullet and smaller bullets hit. Mostly only at super close range or with godlike aim at their feet.
  • Bounce bullets are Low priority, the main shot Mid. Make good use of that.
  • The chase effect will cancel out if hitting someone with a full charge and only a single split bullet, causing normal hitstun
Overall very solid for his zoning game. Paired with Electro shield can be hard to contest by some characters, with the charge time acting for extra mixup potential. Watch your opponents jumps as the bounce bullets are very easy to miss on loose air movement.
Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
15 (15) 81F / 91F / 99F Physical Ranged Low 0 None 30 (15)

[Long] Throw grenade at foe. Change distance with button presses.

Probably the lowest recovery move he has, this move is slow but very spammable and quick to block and dodge cancel, allowing for good defensive mixups after. It has a floaty hitstun to it, allowing for combos with assists or a preemptively loaded Ricochet Shot right after. Best used to add pressure alongside shield in grounded footsies, as it can be dashed throughed, or prevent opponents from setting up their own tools.
Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
6, 14 (20) 13F Physical Melee Low 90 Chase 30 (15)

[Close] Strike with machine gun hilt. Low power, quick strike.

Laguna the first guy in video game history smart enough to use his gun as a melee weapon. This move makes the staple of Laguna's mixup, defensive, and EX game. A 2-hit Melee Low that is easy to hitconfirm with into Chase Setups and has top tier EX Gain. Decently low recovery which makes it decently safe and spammable, low range and vertical homing but 13F meaning it will trade with most moves of it's kind in the game. Ground version will put Laguna in the air, giving access to air dodges/air attacks, similar to Electro Shield.

The only other move you can't miss in your kit in one way or another. Definitely a staple in the air to round up his all-ranges kit, and allows for consistent EX Gain outside of EX Cores. Be aware of blocking habits, don't get predictable with it. The ground version can be substituted for other tools, but it's handy to have on the ground either way.
Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
4 each, max 6 23F Physical Ranged Low 2 (36) None 30 (15)

[Long] Fire multiple missiles. Charge to fire six missiles.

Laguna pulls out a rocket launcher and fires up to 6 missiles, hold down to fire more. The missiles themselves are very small, fire one after another and have terrible tracking. While they do home in on the opponent, they first stray off in different directions and have an awkward turn radius. Can be dashed through and blocked aswell, making them not very useful to stop setups or threaten dashes. Although they do halt and limit movement due to the scattered tracking. Low hitstun with low damage however makes it hard to convert into more.

Likely his worst move and far too niche for how good some of the rest of his moves are. There might be some scenarios worth trying it out, but a ranged low property and horrible homing make it hard to consistently capitalize on.
Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
10 (10) 37F Physical Ranged Mid 0 Wall rush 30 (15)

[Close] Deploy electromagnetic shield. Can deflect weak attacks.

Your Bread and Butter for keepaway, controlling neutral and slowing down approaches to build meter It's a straightforward move. Laguna deploys a shield infront of him which launches the opponent away on contact and wallrushes, leading to potential assist conversions. Due to it's Ranged Mid priority will win over Ranged Low and Melee Low moves. Laguna can't fully cover himself while standing inside it, be aware of moves with large hitboxes and space yourself accordingly.

Notes about Reflect properties: If a Mid Projectile clashes with it, it does not reflect, and the shield can't reflect the same projectile twice. If this move is blocked, the opponent can dash through it.Melee High moves/blocks will destroy the shield, Ranged High will go through.

Laguna goes airborne during the ground version, giving him access to air dodges/air moves when done out of its recovery. Good for potential mixups or set up low to the ground Bazooka shots.

A staple in Laguna's kit that can only be neglected in select few matchups. Acting as both a tool to slow down the neutral, potential mixup on heavy blocking, and to build meter safely. The ground version can be switched out for niche tools, as Laguna can set up a very low to the ground shield to still fulfill the same purpose. Can be handy in some matchups to have a ground shield set up without additional inputs though


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
1 x 6, 1 x 6, 3 x 6 (30) 21 Physical Ranged Low 2 (36) Wall Rush 30 (15)
Charged Version 55 Physical Ranged Mid 2 (36) Wall Rush 30 (15)

[Close] Fire shotgun. Charge to change its strength.

It's a shotgun! It fires like one! (except when charged) Takes 55F to be charged and turned into a mid. Although slow and ranged low, it has good range and can be dodge cancelled fairly early. Unfortunately it can't be dodge-cancelled mid charge, making charging it very commital and easily punished by alot of the cast. It can be shot up to 3 times each delayable, making this very easy to convert into assists and combos. The last shot will wallrush close by, adding to this. It's tracking is limited as it only follows the opponent around you with limited vertical tracking. After the first shot it will also not track anymore.

Not a very well-rounded tool, but it can have it's use in some matchups. It's very niche properties and slow startup are a crux without shield up and easily punished on reaction/early shot.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
36 41F Physical Ranged Mid 0
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Blast foe with bazooka. Press button to change strength.

[Long] Blast foe with bazooka. Press button to change strength.

Big boy missile. Laguna fires a big missile, changing it's max travel distance and acceleration with each button press during its startup, up to 2. Can be slightly aimed in a roughly 50° angle infront of Laguna. Huge recovery period, stays out aslong as Laguna doesn't get hit until it disappears or collides with something. Just like Ricochet Shot, this move also has some unusual properties to it

  • This move doesn't clash with other projectiles and goes right through. The explosion, which is triggered upon hitting anything, is the actual Ranged Mid projectile. If blocked it staggers Low priority blocks.
  • When aimed with the control stick at neutral, this move actually tracks 360° horizontally around and slightly above/below Laguna during it's startup. Sometimes handy on early dodges next to you
  • If this move explodes without hitting a player, the resulting explosion will still be a small active hitbox for a short period of time.
  • The knockback directly correlates with the angle its hitting from. If it hits from behind it will always send them straight towards you. Getting a feel for it is crucial for wallrush combos
This is where the long-long range zoning starts in the air. Unsafe to throw out recklessly, but amazing tool for disrupting approaches, neutral and as a general threat. Very easy assist punishable by most assists, be careful of opponents meter and your own and think carefully. The huge recovery period also means a badly spaced shot can be easily punished by a decently timed dodge next to him. Despite it's lack of safety, if you need long range zoning that shoots through counterzoning aswell, you want this.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
20 (hits twice if explodes at max range without latching) 29F / 42F / 62F (charge), 9F (release) Physical Ranged Low (bomb), Unblockable (explosion) 0
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Throw a sticking time bomb at foe. Charge to increase distance.

Laguna pulls out a sticky bomb and throws it, distance based on charge. Fully charged the bomb will blink and can be held a little while. Charged time also affects the bombs speed, useful for some situations. The throw is a ranged low, the explosion however unblockable. If the bomb explosion hits without being stuck to something prior, it will also deal double damage.

Once attached, the bomb will explode in ~3 seconds (186F). This can be dodged with good timing but it can also be used by Laguna for well timed dodge punishes or mindgames. With relatively good recovery, it also makes for a safe midrange check against other characters' setups. Have a shield up to prevent it just being punished by dash up.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
6, 14 (20) 13 Physical Melee Low 90 Chase 30 (15)
[Close] Strike with machine gun hilt. Low power, quick strike.
Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
4 each, max 6 23 Physical Ranged Low 2 (36) None 30 (15)

[Long] Fire multiple missiles. Charge to fire six missiles.

Laguna pulls out a rocket launcher and fires up to 6 missiles, hold down to fire more. The missiles themselves are very small, fire one after another and have terrible tracking. While they do home in on the opponent, they first stray off in different directions and have an awkward turn radius. Can be dashed through and blocked aswell, making them not very useful to stop setups or threaten dashes. Although they do halt and limit movement due to the scattered tracking. Low hitstun with low damage however makes it hard to convert into more.

Likely his worst move and far too niche for how good some of the rest of his moves are. There might be some scenarios worth trying it out, but a ranged low property and horrible homing make it hard to consistently capitalize on.
Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
10 (10) 37 Physical Ranged Mid 0 Wall rush 30 (15)

[Close] Deploy electromagnetic shield. Can deflect weak attacks.

Your Bread and Butter for keepaway, controlling neutral and slowing down approaches to build meter It's a straightforward move. Laguna deploys a shield infront of him which launches the opponent away on contact and wallrushes, leading to potential assist conversions. Due to it's Ranged Mid priority will win over Ranged Low and Melee Low moves. Laguna can't fully cover himself while standing inside it, be aware of moves with large hitboxes and space yourself accordingly.

Notes about Reflect properties: If a Mid Projectile clashes with it, it does not reflect, and the shield can't reflect the same projectile twice. If this move is blocked, the opponent can dash through it.Melee High moves/blocks will destroy the shield, Ranged High will go through.

Laguna goes airborne during the ground version, giving him access to air dodges/air moves when done out of its recovery. Good for potential mixups or set up low to the ground Bazooka shots.

HP Attacks


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
1 x 7 (7) 53F~172F (charge), 3F (release) Physical Melee High 21
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 40 (20)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

Mid] Bombard with lasers. Charge to adjust timing.

Laguna pulls out a grounded laser that unfortunately does not have infinite reach. TIME TO UNLOAD! Most of the time used to as combo ender and get a wall rush or distance, but has its uses on ground-to-ground interactions. The tracking is just enough to catch grounded side dodges and low air dodges with high fall speed e.g. Kain. At specific spacing it can also catch a grounded forward dodge.

At long range it still remains fantastic for huge whiff punishes against grounded HPs. Holding the move does not increase damage, but has a niche use in faking out against high priority blocks and against Exdeath's Maelstrom / Holy.

Less niche than Satellite Laser, but still not strong enough to be thrown out at all times.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
2 x 6 (12) 83F Physical Ranged High 36
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Fire laser from orbiting satellite. Stopped by terrain.

One of the longest startup HPs, and a clutch tool for Laguna's matchups. BOMBS AWAY!

Awful to use as a raw HP as it can be dashed through by the entire cast, but it has some good properties. It has infinite vertical range with a big horizontal tracking range, making Laguna able to threaten the opponent from ground to regardless of the opponent's altitude.

Useful for a few matchups and to prevent easy stalling. When this move hits an airborne opponent, it will drag them down, and at most heights cause ground wall rush for an assist combo. Together with Sticky Bomb and other projectiles it makes for a tricky dodge-punish mixup, and sometimes even guaranteed one if they don't nail the perfect evasion.

His worst raw HP, but a staple in the areas it shines. Give it a try!


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 43F - Melee High 0
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Chop with energy blade. Effective against any height.

Laguna lifts up the Ragnarok and cuts down vertically with a long energy sword. An absolute staple of his punish game. GET EM!

One of Laguna's fastest HPs. At a distance, the hitbox appears instantly right above him, and it has amazing horizontal tracking. Due to these properties it's fantastic for punishing other whiffed HPs and moves with high recovery / startup safely out of range.

Because it starts right above him, it can also be used to get matchup specific punishes where others can't, or without risking getting punished themselves. Ragnarok Blade has good knockback and thus a fairly big wall rush radius. The knockback angle is based on where Laguna hits from.

No matter where Laguna will always rise a little, making it something to be considered when used in tight spacing or with shield up.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 35F~117F (charge), 3F (release) - Ranged High 60 per hit
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 40 (20)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Fire high-pressure energy bullet. Hold button to continue fire, release to split laser.

Laguna fires out a particle in front of him, which splits into 3 homing energy orbs on release. The other risky, but still staple HP attack.

The lasers all have a minimum travel time, making their initial turn based on distance between the initial shot and opponent. All 3 shots can be hit fairly consistently with assist setups. Homing is based on the opponent's current location with limited turn radius, making this a good dodge punish albeit not so good to chase them with.

Laguna is stationary for the entire duration of the move, making it easily punished. Be aware of this and your opponents spacing before using it, you can still pop the laser early to try and catch the opponent's assist before it punishes.

EX Mode: Look, the faeries are here!


  • Regen
  • Critical Boost
  • A Faerie's Miracle

A Faerie's Miracle

[Always active while in EX Mode] The recovery time after bravery attacks can be cancelled by performing any attack.

EX Burst: Desperado

A furious bombardment of bullets. Take aim and press R to shoot or hold down the button for rapid fire.

Damage multiplier (initial) Damage multiplier (rest) Type
7 x 3, 11 (32) 1 x 40, 2 x 14 (68) (100 total) Physical

A shooting exercise minigame, hold down the R button to fire. Every hit you will drift off of them based on the center. The best way to deal with it is to stick to the edges and fire away. Land 40 hits to fill the gauge and unleash THE GREATEST ATTACK EVER.

This is actually a notable EX Burst. While the max damage with 100 is average as usual, the 32 base at the start before defense multiplier is the second highest in the game, tied with Lightning. Extremely useful for bravery breaks and subsequently tacking on extra damage.


Builds here.

Max Booster
Special Effect:
Accessory 1
Accessory 2
Accessory 3
Accessory 4
Accessory 5
Accessory 6
Accessory 7
Accessory 8
Accessory 9
Accessory 10

Max Booster
Special Effect:
Accessory 1
Accessory 2
Accessory 3
Accessory 4
Accessory 5
Accessory 6
Accessory 7
Accessory 8
Accessory 9
Accessory 10


Type Attack Startup Position Spawn Damage multiplier Effects
BRV Machine Gun 31F Ground Opponent 1 x 31 (31) -
BRV Shotgun 55F Air Opponent 1 x 6, 1 x 6, 3 x 6 (30) Wall Rush
HP Satellite Laser 83F Ground Player 2 x 8 (16) Wall Rush
HP Ragnarok Blade 43F Air Opponent - Wall Rush