Squall Leonhart (Dissidia 012)

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Name Squall Leonhart (スコール・レオンハート)
Original game Final Fantasy VIII
Weapon Swords, Daggers, Katanas, Guns
Armor Shields, Bangles, Hats, Helms, Clothing, Light Armor, Large Shields, and Chestplates
Base ATK (LV100)
Base DEF (LV100)
Run Speed 5 (Above Average)
Dash Speed 77 (Average / Good)
Fall Speed 81 (Average)
Fall Speed Ratio After Dodge 38 (Average)
Exclusive weapons Revolver, Twin Lance, Punishment, Lionheart
Strengths Weaknesses


Squall is a flexible close range character who can engage from further away and approach from a variety of angles. Above average running speed, fast multi-part bravery attacks, strong anti-air, strong combo & meter drain potential and Ranged Low block properties, Squall has a lot going for him.

On the ground, he can hit people outside of their effective range to lead into combos, easily anti-air and catch their dodges as well as play the conventional close range interactions. Air combat is handled with good usage of air movement, single hit HPs and the infamous Beat Fang. Building assist meter is consistent, with fast bravery whiffs and retaliatory HPs when using Side by Side. EX generation is weak in the air, but finishing ground attacks and investing into EX Core absorption with his exclusive weapon can make up the difference. Due to his holding potential, Squall can work with a variety of assists, though HP follow-ups may suffer depending on position and assist choice.

Squall is versatile and relatively easy to use, but he can struggle to punish air dodges effectively against fall fallers such as Kefka or Prishe. Similiarly, fast running speed can make most of his moves whiff effortlessly. On top of that, his primary way of protecting himself after a dodge is clashing with a bravery attack. Combined with his floaty air dodges, the reliance on dodge cancels can put Squall at great risk for any approach attempts.

Squall is a high tier character. Barring a few unfavorable match-ups, his consistency, flexibility and ease of use make him a good pick for new and experienced players alike.

Build styles:

  • Adamant Chains
  • Side by Side
  • EX Core
  • Hybrid
  • Depletion

Bravery Moves


During EX Mode, damage multipliers inside brackets [ ] hit twice instead of once.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
[3,3,5],9 (20) [31] 13F Physical Melee Low 30 Wall Rush 30 (15)
[Close] Leap into the air. Quick launch, easy wall rush.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
[5,6,8,,10,5,5,16] (55) (110) 13F Physical Melee Low 90 Chase 30 (15)
[Close] Repeated slashes. Short range; quick and powerful.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
10 (10) 33F Magical Ranged Low 0 - 30 (15)
[Long] Fire one ice bullet. Long range, strong homing.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
each (3) 33F (furthest bolt appears first) Magical Ranged Low each 9 30 (15)
[Mid] Lightning that draws foes. Good start for combos

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
6,6,6,6 each 6 (24+) 33F Magical Ranged Low, Mid (only thunder) 60~90 Chase 30 (15)
[Mid] Magic barrage. Can combo without hitting.

Aerial Moves

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
20 (20) 41F Physical Melee Mid 0 Block Low (Ranged), Wall Rush 30 (15)
[Mid] Unleash heel drop. Slow start, fast movement.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
[3,5],7,[2x6,13] (40) [73] 15F Physical Melee Low 30 Wall Rush 30 (15)
[Close] Float, then strike down foe. Short reach, but fast.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
each 1 x8,7 (15) 33F Magical Ranged Low each 30 Wall Rush 30 (15)
[Mid] Magic barrage. Can combo without hitting.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
each (5) 33F Magical Ranged Low 0 -- 30 (15)
[Long] Launch multiple fireballs. Normal speed, strong homing.

HP Moves


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
-- 43F -- Ranged High 0 Block Low (Ranged), wall rush, absorb 30 (15)
[Close] Surround self with explosions. Block foe's spells.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
1 xN (max 50) 43F Physical Melee High each 3 Wall rush 30 (15)
[Mid] Rage-filled charge. Can aim with the analog stick.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
6, 1 x4 (10) 41F Magical Melee High 90 30 (15)

[Mid] Chop with massive blade of light that flies forward.

Very strong tracking during start-up, good anti-air and dodge punishment tool.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
-- 59F -- Melee High 0 Wall rush 30 (15)
[Long] Leap into a charge. Slow start, but very fast charge.


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
-- 43F -- Ranged High 0 Block Low (Ranged), wall rush, absorb 30 (15)
[Close] Surround self with explosions. Blocks foe's spells.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force Effects CP (Mastered)
-- 59F -- Melee High 0 Wall rush 30 (15)
[Long] Leap into a charge. Slow start, but very fast charge.

EX Mode: Lionheart equipped!


  • Regen
  • Critical Boost
  • Lionheart (RANGE)
  • Lionheart (HIT)

Lionheart (RANGE)

[Always active while in EX Mode] Transfers the heart of a lion to the weapon, increasing it's range.

Lionheart (HIT)

[Always active while in EX Mode] Pushes the weapon's specs to the limit, increasing the force of each blast.

EX Burst: Renzokuken

A flurry of attacks ending in one shattering blow. Watch your timing and press R when the cursor is in the frame.

Damage multiplier (initial) Damage multiplier (rest) Type
2,2 (4) 9x7, 13, 20 (96) (100 total) Physical


HP 10299
CP 450
BRV 996
ATK 177
DEF 185
LUK --
Max Booster x3.5
Special Effect: Judgment of Lufenia
Assist Kuja
Weapon Lionheart
Hand Lufenian Shield
Head Lufenian Helm
Body Lufenian Armor
Accessory 1 Hyper Ring
Accessory 2 Zephyr Cloak
Accessory 3 Dismay Shock
Accessory 4 Large Gap in HP
Accessory 5 Summon Unused
Accessory 6 Pre-EX Mode
Accessory 7 Pre-EX Revenge
Accessory 8 Tenacious Attacker
Accessory 9 Glutton
Accessory 10 First to Victory
Summon Rubicante

Use the CP glitch for Cavalier's Gear.

A general all-rounder build.

HP 9972
CP 450
BRV 877 (1052 with First to Victory)
ATK 178
DEF 185
LUK --
Max Booster x3.5
Special Effect: Adamant Chains
Assist Kuja
Weapon Earthbreaker
Hand Adamant Shield
Head Adamant Helm
Body Adamant Vest
Accessory 1 Muscle Belt
Accessory 2 Dismay Shock
Accessory 3 Battle Hammer
Accessory 4 Summon Unused
Accessory 5 Pre-EX Mode
Accessory 6 Pre-EX Revenge
Accessory 7 Aerial
Accessory 8 Tenacious Attacker
Accessory 9 First to Victory
Accessory 10 Back-Breaking Straw
Summon Rubicante

Weapon can be changed according to match-up or player preference.

This set primarily takes advantage of the added air dodge distance that the set bonus provides. Squall's air dodges leave him vulnerable with no strong options to cover them, so the additional dodge distance helps him stay safe and whiff punish.

Against Onion Knight, Jecht or Cloud, you may need to adjust the accessories to suit Side by Side special accessory for assist meter. Tenacious Attacker is not a necessity, but good to have. Hero's Essence for more CP, Winged Boots for banish traps, Glutton for characters with strong EX generation (e.g. Lightning, Shantotto).

HP 10299
CP 450
BRV 996
ATK 177
DEF 185
LUK --
Max Booster x5.3
Special Effect: Soul of Yamato
Assist Kuja
Weapon Lionheart
Hand Genji Shield
Head Genji Helm
Body Genji Armor
Accessory 1 Sniper Eye
Accessory 2 Dragonfly Orb
Accessory 3 Battle Hammer
Accessory 4 EX Core Present
Accessory 5 Summon Unused
Accessory 6 Pre-EX Mode
Accessory 7 Pre-EX Revenge
Accessory 8 Aerial
Accessory 9 Tenacious Attacker
Accessory 10 First to Victory
Summon Rubicante

Use the CP glitch for Cavalier's Gear.

Enhanced EX intake through EX cores.

Substitutes: Sniper Eye, Dragonfly Orb, Aerial and special accessories can be substituted according to player preference. First to Victory can be replaced with Dismay Shock. Previously mentioned substitutes are decent picks, such as Muscle Belt. With EX cores being your primary source for the meter, Together as One and Platinum Hourglass are not completely unviable.

HP 9971
CP 450
BRV 1453 (2179 with Hero's Seal)
ATK 176
DEF 182
LUK --
Max Booster x3.8
Special Effect: None
Assist Kuja
Weapon Piggy's Stick
Hand Hero's Shield
Head Royal Crown
Body Maximillian
Accessory 1 Sniper Eye
Accessory 2 Dismay Shock
Accessory 3 Battle Hammer
Accessory 4 BRV = 0
Accessory 5 Empty EX Gauge
Accessory 6 Pre-EX Mode
Accessory 7 Pre-EX Revenge
Accessory 8 Hero's Seal
Accessory 9 Together as One
Accessory 10 Side by Side
Summon Rubicante

Use the CP glitch for Bard's Gear and Thief's Gear.

Recommended for small stages or even / favorable match-ups. With Together as One, Squall can whiff twice and already have one assist bar ready. Every time you stagger the opponent with LV2 Assist Change and hit them with Aerial Circle, you are also couple whiffs away from an assist bar. Meter lead can be easy to maintain to an extent.


  • Basic - Hyper Ring, Muscle Belt, Bravery Orb
  • Booster - Large Gap in HP, Summon Unused, Grounded, Aerial, Assist
  • Special - Blue Gem, Growth Egg, Great Gospel, Winged Boots, Hero's Essence, Badge of Trust.

HP 10298
CP 450
BRV 996
ATK 179
DEF 182
LUK --
Max Booster x6.9
Special Effect: Seal of Lufenia
Assist Yuna
Weapon Lufenian Lance
Hand Lufenian Dirk
Head Lufenian Headband
Body Maximillian
Accessory 1 Dismay Shock
Accessory 2 Battle Hammer
Accessory 3 BRV = 0
Accessory 4 Assist
Accessory 5 Summon Unused
Accessory 6 Pre-EX Mode
Accessory 7 Pre-EX Revenge
Accessory 8 Aerial
Accessory 9 Free choice
Accessory 10 Free choice

Use the CP glitch for Hoplite's Gear, Thief's Gear, Bard's Gear and Cavalier's Gear.

Yuna's air bravery assist with Aerial Circle for maximum effect. Press Aerial Circle as the second brv hit lands to ensure a maximum amount of hits from Aerial Circle. Even though no additional damage occurs (aside from wall rush), each HP hit depletes meter.