Shantotto (Dissidia 012)

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General Starter Guide Strategy
Matchups Resources

Name Shantotto (シャントット)
Original game Final Fantasy XI
Base ATK (LV100) 112 (Very High)
Base DEF (LV100) 109 (Lowest)
Run Speed 6 (Average / Good)
Dash Speed 77 (Average / Good)
Fall Speed 97 (Slow)
Fall Speed Ratio After Dodge 43 (Slow)
Fastest BRV
Fastest HP
1-Hit HP
HP Links
Command Block
Weapon Rods, Staves, Poles
Armor Bangles, Hats, Hairpins, Ribbons,
Clothing, Robes, Headbands
Exclusive weapons Jupiter's Staff, Laevateinn, Claustrum
Voice Actor (JP)
Voice Actor (ENG)

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Excellent conversion ability: Shantotto is able to turn almost any hit into HP damage with some execution, and further extend reliably with assists.
  • High EX Force generation: All of Shantotto's HPs and Retribution build a high amount of EX Force, that further escalates with well executed combos.
  • Can deny HP attack usage: An opponent being poisoned by Bio means they'll be instantly broken if they hit Shantotto with an HP attack. When not near loss, this can be used to effectively lock the opponent out of using them for a period of time.
  • Good whiff punish game: Good mobility and startup on Stun to combo into HPs. A couple unconventional tools can make it scary to recklessly whiff attacks against her.
  • No wall rush HP: A lack of wall rush on any of Shantotto's HP attacks significantly cuts into the potential combo damage and how much she gets out of the high base brave sets she usually runs.
  • Extreme Glutton vulnerability: Because all of the HP attacks Shantotto uses hit from a medium distance, the opponent will get priority when absorbing EX from her majority of the time, greatly reducing EX intake without build investment.
  • Assist punish vulnerability: Because Retribution doesn't cover Shantotto's sides well, and every single one of her other attacks is Ranged, in practice almost every single attack Shantotto can use is vulnerable to raw assist.
  • No fast midair melee attack: This makes her both vulnerable to a large amount of attacks and pressure after a dodge'
  • Huge recovery: In general the end lag on Shantotto's attacks is above average relative to the rest of the cast, this is especially bad on most of her HP Attacks.


Bravery Attacks

Most of Shantotto's bravery attacks have a ground and an aerial version. A Couple Attacks is only available on the ground and Retribution is only available midair.

Ground exclusive bravery.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
7, 7, 16 (30) 19F Physical Melee Low 30
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Wall Rush 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Close] Triple two-handed strike with scepter, sending foe flying.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 13F - Ranged Low 0
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Special] Cancel foe's attack. No attack strength, but instant. Different attack frees foe.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
- 65F Ranged Low 0
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Special] Make opponent unable to move. Foe is freed when hit by another attack.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
4 x 11 (44) 33F Magical Ranged Low 0
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Darkness eats away at opponent's body, continuously stealing bravery for a set period.

Air exclusive bravery.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
15, 15 (30) 41F Physical Melee Mid 90
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Chase 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Mid] Spinning two-handed blow, hurling opponent forward.

HP Attacks

The strength of Shantotto's HP attacks escalates the more bravery she has prior to using them. Each damage multiplier reflects their strength according to the three levels that the HP attacks are scaled with.


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
8, 8 (16) / 5 x 5 (25) / 6 x 5 (30) 49F Magical Ranged Mid (LV1), Ranged High (LV2 & LV3) 24~36 (Chain hit), 60 (HP hit)
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Send boulders flying. Strength depends on bravery.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
3 x 4 (12) / 3 x 6 (18) / 3 x 8 (24) 57F / 57F / 61F Magical Ranged Mid (LV1), Ranged High (LV2 & LV3) 24~36 (Chain hit), 60 (HP hit)
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Shoot forth flame sphere. Strength depends on bravery.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
3 x 4 (12) / 4 x 4 (16) / 4 x 5 (20) 67F / 71F / 71F Magical Ranged Mid (LV1), Ranged High (LV2 & LV3) 24~36 (Chain hit), 60 (HP hit)
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Mid] Call down lightning on foe. Strength depends on bravery.


Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
3 x 4 (12) / 4 x 4 (16) / 5 x 4 (20) 59F Magical Ranged Mid (LV1), Ranged High (LV2 & LV3) 24~36 (Chain hit), 60 (HP hit)
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Engulf opponent in water. Strength depends on bravery.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
2 x 5 (10) / 2 x 7 (14) / 3 x 6 (18) 49F Magical Ranged Mid (LV1), Ranged High (LV2 & LV3) 24~36 (Chain hit), 60 (HP hit)
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Batter foe w/violent winds. Strength depends on bravery.

Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
2 x 5 (10) / 3 x 5 (15) / 5 x 4 (20) 69F Magical Ranged Mid (LV1), Ranged High (LV2 & LV3) 24~36 (Chain hit), 60 (HP hit)
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
- 30 (15)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

[Long] Hurl ice shards forwards. Strength depends on bravery.

EX Mode: Two-Hour Ability!


  • Regen
  • Critical Boost
  • Manafont


[Always active while in EX Mode] Bravery is instantly replenished after landing a successful HP attack.

EX Burst: Play Rough

A flurry of attacks leading to a blast of terribly strong magic. Select spells from the menu. Fire-Water-Thunder-Earth-Wind-Ice order deals maximal damage.

Damage multiplier (initial) Damage multiplier (rest) Type
4, 3, 3, 10 (20) 10 x 6, 20 (80) (100 total) Physical (first three hits), Magical (the rest)





Builds here.

HP 10478
CP 450
BRV 1444
ATK 179
DEF 181
LUK 61
Max Booster x1.8
Special Effect: None
Assist Yuna
Weapon Heaven's Cloud (CP Glitch)
Hand Hero's Shield (CP Glitch)
Head Thornlet
Body Maximillian (CP Glitch)
Accessory 1 accessory_basic.png Dismay Shock
Accessory 2 accessory_basic.png Battle Hammer
Accessory 3 accessory_booster.png BRV = 0
Accessory 4 accessory_booster.png Summon Unused
Accessory 5 accessory_special.png Blue Gem
Accessory 6 accessory_special.png Tenacious Attacker
Accessory 7 accessory_special.png Glutton
Accessory 8 accessory_special.png First to Victory
Accessory 9 accessory_special.png Hero's Seal
Accessory 10 accessory_special.png Miracle Shoes
Summon Rubicante

Equip Best Dresser extra ability for +100 base bravery.

Max Booster
Special Effect:
Accessory 1
Accessory 2
Accessory 3
Accessory 4
Accessory 5
Accessory 6
Accessory 7
Accessory 8
Accessory 9
Accessory 10


Shantotto's assist data

Type Attack Startup Position Spawn Damage multiplier Effects
BRV Bind 65F Ground Opponent - -
BRV Bio 33F Air Opponent 4 x 11 (44) -
HP Spirit Magic: Earth 49F Ground Opponent 5 x 5 (25) Chase
HP Spirit Magic: Ice 69F Air Opponent 3 x 5 (15) Chase


Shantotto works well with Kuja, Yuna and Jecht assists.