Vaan (Dissidia 012)

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Revision as of 15:46, 3 September 2023 by Muggshotter (talk | contribs)
Name Vaan (ヴァン)
Original game Final Fantasy XII
Base ATK (LV100)
Base DEF (LV100)
Run Speed 6 (Good)
Dash Speed 77F (Average / Good)
Fall Speed 73F (Great)
Fall Speed Ratio After Dodge 28 (Above Average)
Fastest BRV
Fastest HP
1-Hit HP
HP Links
Command Block
Weapon Parrying Weapons, all normal weapons except instruments
Armor Shields, Bangles, Hats, Helms, Headbands, Clothing, Light Armor, Chestplates
Exclusive weapons Reks's Blade, Sword of Kings, Zodiac Blade
Voice Actor (JP)
Voice Actor (ENG)

Vaan is a playable character in Dissidia 012.

Bravery Moves

Grounded Moves

insert move here
Damage multiplier Startup frame Type Priority EX Force
Effects CP (Mastered) Cancels Assist Gain (Attack) Assist Gain (Hit)
Unlocked at
Mastered at

In-game description here.

Overview of the move here.

BRV to HP Attack (if exists)

insert move here

EX Mode: Obtained all Licenses!


  • Regen
  • Critical Boost
  • Free Switch
  • Zodiak

Free Switch

[Activate with R + square] Revert to unarmed attacks at any time.

Starts at 1F, ends at 31F, dodge oor attack cancelable at 21F.


[Always active while in EX Mode] Boosts stats and abilities, and greatly strengthens attacks.

Each Switch variant of a bravery attack gains a boost, such as increased range, invincibility, shorter charge time or an additional follow-up. Please refer to the bravery attack section for details.

EX Burst: Quickening

A powerful attack infused with Mist. Shuffle options with R. Press X to select moves to use.

A consistent method for a successful EX Burst is to press R, then press X repeatedly a few times and loop this for a total of three repetitions for each Quickening.

Damage multiplier (initial) Damage multiplier (rest) Type
4, 6 (10) 10x3, 5x6, 3x10 (90) (100 total) Magical