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Revision as of 02:12, 13 July 2024 by Muggshotter (talk | contribs) (Created template. Update contents as pages are edited.)
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Wiki Roadmap (012 Kefka Palazzo)

Please edit this page's roadmap template when relevant additions and changes are made.

30,43 % done


Page Completed In progress To-do Score
General Add images for attacks. 3 / 5
Strengths and weaknesses Done. 5 / 5
Overview Done. 5 / 5
Bravery Attacks Ability info and overviews Add images. 4 / 5
HP Attacks Ability info and overviews Add images. 4 / 5
EX Mode Basic info Overview or detailed info 1 / 5
Combos Few combos listed. Add solo and assist combos into a table with video examples. 1 / 5
Builds 2 builds. Add more builds with overviews like with Tifa's builds. 2 / 5
Assist Assist data and overviews for two assists. Add more overviews for other assists if possible. 3 / 5
Matchups Create page. Matchup analysis and tips. 0 / 5
Resources Create page. Helpful links related to character. 0 / 5
Starter Guide Create page. Concise pvp guide with core concepts and essentials. 0 / 5
Strategy Create page. Strategies and counterplay. 0 / 5